"is nowrth dead?"

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Since north fainted everyone hear a thud. This caused everyine to stop what they were doing and stare at him unconscious on the floor. Slowly everyone crawled/waddled over to him.

Dippy crawled on top of his chest and poked him. And again. And again. And again.. and again.. and again.. she was about to do it again till star slightly slapped her hand. "Stawp it you could hurt him" Star said fixing her glasses.

Roxanne's foot was stuck in a paint bucket so when she made her way over to North it made a click clack sound.

Galaxy started to cry "is nowrth dead?!" Which made dream start crying "I dont wanna northie to dieee" star just rolled her eyes "the oversized male isnt dead!! He's fainted."

Roxxane tilted her head "he isnt painted-" she walked towards north's head with more click clacking sounds. Soon an idea popped into Stars head. As soon as she was about to speak Paris and Skylar feel from the ceiling.

The two girl landed in the floor. Paris started to cry cause Skylar landed on top of her and her chest now hurt. Skylar got off of Paris and held her stomach tightly "oowww..." Paris held her chest.

Star tried to think of a way to help The two injured girls. But she had Dippy yelling about North, Roxanne clock clacking the paint container, Galaxy screaming to help Paris and Skylar, And Dream Wailing/Crying. Her little braim hurt so much she screamed at the top of her lungs. North jumped awake and assisted all of the toddlers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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