𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

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• if you're wanting to start a roleplay, please choose a character before messaging. makes it easier for me.
• i do 1st or 3rd. i do prefer 1st though because i have more experience there.
• scenes must be at least 3+ lines. it's that simple. give a shit about your response. i don't want a half ass reply where it shows you didn't try.
• please to god no text talk. ttyl, brb, lol, lmao, etc. it's so annoying and i will end the roleplay.
•i don't expect a scene, but having one in mind is nice. if you can't think of one, tell me so we can create one together. this is a team effort and i'm not wanting to do all the work.
• i don't really have a time limit, just please don't be gone for months and then expect me to start again. if you won't be able to reply for a while, please let me know so i can hold the character for you.
• i like some drama but don't be doing the rape and all that stuff. it's unsettling and i don't really want to think about it. and DONT KILL OFF MY CHARACTERS. that shit is just stupid.
• please no cheating. it's rude and i will end the roleplay if i find out. i might have some players as my characters but if they are dating you, they are loyal. i expect the same for yours.
• i'm not that big on double roleplays. it's hard to figure everything out and it gets annoying and boring fast.
• please for the love of god DONT FORCE MY CHARACTERS TO DO SOMETHING. i have had people try to make my anons do something for their own benefit. my character is their own person and i will not have you taking over just for your enjoyment.
• last but not least please don't talk to my taken characters or try to change their sexuality. i won't change it so don't try.
🌚 ~ single
🌓 ~ talking
🌝 ~ taken

have fun

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