Safe In Your Arms

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Hi yes, this is a littlePeter!  Sfw Oneshot, because I lowkey love it. You can request prompts in the comments if you'd like. This is just to start the book off. I got the idea from looking at that picture I found^^.

Every Friday, was movie day. No matter how far behind in work, or how close to finishing you were. Friday was reserved for pure entertainment, at the Avengers Tower. Tony was the first  up, pouring fresh coffee into his favourite mug. He deeply inhales the scent of rich hazelnut, gently sipping the boiling beverage. This was one of Tony's preferred times, of day.

 It was one of the only times the Tower seemed quiet, empty. You could imagine the little amount of alone time, one could have, in a place, swarming with adult- spandex-wearing superhero's. As much as Tony loved spending time with his Super Family. He did enjoy the silence of the spacious Tower, in the early hours of day break. He considered sitting outside for a change, the grass was coated with fresh morning dew and the sun was barely cracking through the grey, plush clouds. he decided against it, too cold. Although the Tower was considerably quite, largely proportionate. The air was as toasty as a small cottage.

A small crash could be heard from down the hall, bringing Tony, out of his hazy, morning, thoughts. The peace was broken by a thin lanky boy, otherwise known as Peter Parker. stumbling, from the dark shadows of the hall and  into the kitchen where Tony was.
"ow, shit." He cursed.


The sudden voice took the kid by surprise and he looked up, quickly catching his mentor's stare.

"So sorry, Mr.Stark, I didn't think anyone was up!" he began. "I didn't want to wake anyone, so I thought I could make my way in the dark, but then I tripped on something- it ended up being a pot-plant. who puts a pot-plant in the hallway anyway? I bet it was Steve-" 

"Peter." Tony interrupted his rambling. As much as he loved the kid. his endless talking, was too much for Tony, this early. 

"yeah?" He gazed up at his mentor with a confused expression.

"rambling." It came out sharper than Tony expected. But hey, he wasn't a person for polite morning conversations. 

"sorry." Peter was mentally cursing himself for being so, him... ' only Peter  Parker would ramble about nothing, to someone like Tony Stark.' he thought to himself. Peter secretly wished Tony was more than his mentor. He saw him as the daddy type, although he would never say it to anyone. The kid could barely address him as anything else, than 'Mr.Stark'.  So he was grateful for any of the domestic touches he could get out of the man. Which was happening more these few weeks. He wan't complaining.

Tony could see the defeat in those big brown eyes, hiding behind  bouncy, soft curls, that made him break every time. "come here, Pete." Like an obedient puppy, Peter made quick steps to meet his mentor's open arms. this had become a routine for the kid and Tony. Whenever Peter was upset, he would find comfort in Tony's arms. Even if Peter was trying to hide his negative emotions, Tony could always see through his mask. They would only embrace like this in private. Not really wanting to admit his soft spot for the child. It was just between him, Peter and F.R.I.D.A.Y. 

"I'm not mad, Peter."  Peter buried his face into the mans shoulder a little more before pulling away entirely. " If you say so, Mr. Stark." He gave a weak smile, walking over to get some cereal in his stomach, wiping the sleep from  his eyes in the meantime. 

Tony gave a small smile  himself. The kid was just too darn adorable. Using the formal title after something so domestic. Next to arrive from the depths of their rooms were Steve and Bruce. Each giving a small nod in affirmation to the "morning." shared around the room by Peter. grabbing a coffee and sitting on the breakfast bar. Natasha, Thor and Clint were not far behind.

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