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Rose dashed into the TARDIS, the Doctor right on her heels. They were both panting from the long sprint, but the Doctor had to get the time machine going because the aliens were scratching at the doors.

The aliens they were running from this time were from the planet Latonitek, a former paradise resort planet, which had been over taken by the Wenootian species. They had been captured and taken hostage inside an underground facility. After hours of waiting, they had escaped and ran back to where the TARDIS was waiting, as always.

The Doctor flipped many of the various levers and pressed buttons of all colors, and the TARDIS flew through the time vortex. Then, Rose spoke up, with an audible sarcastic annoyance in her voice. "Where are we off to now, Doctor?"

The Doctor turned around after setting the TARDIS so that they were out of the time vortex and slowly floating through the galaxy of Cenlous. He furrowed his brows, a disappointed look falling on his face before replying. "Well, I thought that we deserved a little break from adventuring, so the TARDIS is going to float through space right here for a couple of days. How's that sound?"

"Great. Just what I was thinking. Hopefully we don't run into any trouble here!" Rose had cheered up a little, and that put a smile on the time lords face. She went up to him and tapped his nose lightly. "We usually do!"

The Doctor chuckled lightly and strolled to the kitchen, motioning for Rose to follow him. As he made some tea, Rose sat at the small table, watching his every move. The Doctor knew that the pink and yellow girl thought that he hadn't noticed her staring at him. He toothily grinned as he handed Rose her cup. "Thanks"

"Mhm", the Doctor mumbled as he sipped his own tea. He let out a sigh of satisfaction, then spoke. "So, what d'you want to do today? We have infinite choices."

"Hmm." Rose closed her eyes, thinking of something that might bring her closer to the Doctor. "Let's watch a film first! You do have a screening room, right?"

The TARDIS hummed softly in response at the same moment that the Doctor nodded. They finished their tea in uncomfortable silence. The Doctor went to grab pillows and blankets for them and set up the movie room.

Rose, still in the kitchen, stood and rummaged through the cupboards, looking for popcorn. She stretched her arm in all the way in the bigger-on-the-inside shelf, coming up empty-handed. A yellow paper bag shimmered into existence on the counter next to her, courtesy of the TARDIS. Rose popped it in the microwave and went to change into her pajamas.

The Doctor went to find Rose, but she was not in the kitchen. Luckily, he and the TARDIS had a telepathic connection, so she was able to tell him where she was. The TARDIS pointed him to her bedroom. He assumed that she was probably changing, and so when the microwave went off, he yelled. "I'll get it!" And swiped the piping hot bag from the burning clutches of the kitchen appliance. Dumping the delicious corn substance into a bowl, he added the perfect amount of butter and salt. The Doctor had the right to brag, as he had had almost 1,000 years to perfect his recipe.

After changing into his pajamas, he returned to the crimson screening room. The timelord hoarded a few blankets, grabbed the remote, and got comfy. The popcorn bowl was sat on the coffee table in front of him. He sneaked a hand to it, grabbing a fistful of the delicious popped kernels.

"We haven't even found a movie to watch yet!" The Doctor turned around, his mouth full of food, and his face getting redder by the second. Rose stood in the doorway, dressed in a white tank top and TARDIS blue shorts. She strolled over to the velvety couch that the Doctor was curled up against. "So, what are we gonna watch?"

He swallowed. She looked so beautiful. Makeup was not needed and her hair was still amazing, after being messed up from the day's adventures. 'Soon, I will tell her- tell her that I-' His thoughts were interrupted by Rose clearing her throat. The Doctor had been dreamily staring at her face for a few seconds.

"Umm..." He stammered. "You choose." He waved her to an area behind her. Rose turned and gasped at the other room, where there were thousands of movies, categorized by name.

"How about 'The Princess Bride? I haven't seen that one in a while!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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