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You’re listening to loud music with your headphones on and can’t hear the calls from your boyfriend who wants to eat something with you.


Joonie takes out the remaining food from yesterday and 2 plates out of the kitchen cupboard. He splits up the food, almost the same amount on both of them, and calls you for the first time. But since you don’t answer him, he calls you again. Still not receiving an answer he goes upstairs, worried about you. He stands in front of your room and knocks on the door „Y/N is everything alright? We can eat now“. He opens the door because he still doesn’t hear any sounds from you. You’re sitting on your bed with headphones, listening to some music. His worries are instantly gone and he heads to your bed. You notice him and look at him „Oh Joonie, what’s up?“. „The food is „up“ darling. I called you several times but you didn’t react to anything I’ve said so I was worried and looked after you“, he answers, relief in his voice. „Omg I’m so sry but I really didn’t hear you“, you say, asking for forgiveness. He smiles at you and pokes your nose „It’s not that bad, luckily nothing happened. At least not yet, because our food is not getting better downstairs“. „Yehhhh I’m coming I’m coming“ you answer with a grin before you both return to the kitchen.


„Y/N I cooked some food for us, you coming?“ he calls you the first time. He waits a few seconds, but there is still no sign of life from you. „Y/N!!!!“ he screams through your house but he doesn’t get an answer this time either. He goes upstairs to your room and tears the door open. Completely frightened you look up to your boyfriend, who is standing in your door with an expressionless face staring at you. „Sweetheart what’s wrong?“ you want to know, kind of worried why he opened the door like that. His expression changes and he comes closer to hug you, he explains with a slight b*tchy undertone „Why did you not answer me????“. „I’m sry Seonghwa, my music was too loud so I didn’t hear you calling“ you try to apologize to him. He looks at you again and says „Mi lady, I even screamed for you“. You’re looking at him, a little bit perplexed „Wait really?“. After he nods as an answer to your question, you pull him back into your hug „I’m so sry that was all my fault“. „No, you should stop thinking about that now“ he says and pats your head gently. You look up and glance into his eyes with determination „In return I will eat a double portion from your selfmade food“. Ready to eat, you go to the kitchen and your boyfriend can’t help himself but smile because of you as he follows you downstairs.


Yunho takes the food from the delivery guy, gives him his payment and walks back to put the food on the table. He gets cutlery from a drawer and calls you „Y/N you coming? The delivery guy was here and brought our food“. After trying to call you, he puts the cutlery on the table and some serviettes too. He looks at the stairs but still can’t hear or see you. Slowly he gets worried about you and thinks about what you are doing up there. Now he walks upstairs to your room and opens the door, but nobody is there. He closes the door again and checks the bathroom next door but you aren’t there either. He continues to search for you in the whole house but still can’t find you. He already called you too, but the mailbox was the only answer he got. With worries he walks around in circles until he stops at the window. He looks out of the window and finds you sitting in the pavilion in your garden. You are drawing something and listening to music until you recognize a sound from somewhere. Confused, you take your headphones off and look around you. But suddenly, you get grabbed by your waist and lifted up in the air. „Teddy what-„ you try to say, but he is faster than you. „Your teddy looked for you in the whole house, to tell you that our food has arrived“ he answers your unspoken question with a relieved look on his face „I didn’t think of checking outside“. „I feel so sry Yunho, I am really really really sry, I should have told you that I went out“ you apologize to him. He smiles at you and snuggles up to your body. „Don’t worry, nothing happened and you’re fine so it’s okay.” Together you go back inside and eat your food that has now been warmed up in the microwave.


Yeosang turns off the electric kettle and pours the water into a bowl that contains the instant noodles that he has prepared for you. „Y/N come pls your food is ready“ he calls through the kitchen, still looking at the water pouring out of the kettle. He waits for an answer but he doesn’t get one. „Honey if you are not coming, I will let my drone eat your food“ he tries to sound threatening. But there is still no answer from you. „Darlllliiiing?“ he tries again. But your boyfriend gets no answer for the third time, so he starts to worry about you. Upstairs in front of your room, he knocks on the door „Y/N, you there?“. With disappointment, he admits that he still can’t hear your voice. Full of worries, he opens the door carefully, but the only thing he can find is an empty room. He opens the door completely and looks around „Y/N????“. Confused he quickly runs a hand through his hair while running out of your room and going to the little bathroom near your room. The bathroom door is already opened but you’re not inside there either. „Y/N??“ he yells through the whole house while he checks the other rooms on the first floor before he runs downstairs. Safely arriving there he first runs to the living room and opens the door quickly. You’re lying on the sofa, looking at your phone and listening to some music with your headphones. Your boyfriend is still standing in the doorframe with his arm resting on the door handle, finally being able to breathe normally again now. He walks around the sofa and jumps on you from behind. You notice the suddenly heavy weight on your back and look up from your phone to him „Oof Yeosang, what are you planing?“. „Well, I looked for you in every single room of the house, to tell you that your food is ready. But you didn’t answer me“ he says shyly with his head buried in your shoulder. His arms hug your waist from behind, now you know how worried he was about you. With a grin on your face because of his cuteness you say „That‘s so cute, I’m sry that I didn’t answer you. My music was too loud so I didn’t hear you, my mistake, pls forgive me“, you apologize to him. „It’s fine, I still found you anyway in the end“ he answers and gets up with you „But pls eat your noodles now“.


You both are cuddling on the bed and scrolling though your phones. Suddenly San frees himself from your hug and stands up „I forgot that I bought something for you“ he says and runs down to the kitchen and the fridge. He takes out some chocolate and opens another cupboard with cake in a box. Then he takes out plates and forks and cuts off a piece from the cake. He breaks the chocolate into a few pieces and puts them in a bowl. Happy and full of motivation he carefully walks upstairs again with the food in his hands. Slowly he opens the door but can’t see you at the place where he left you. A little bit confused he puts down the plates on the desk and calls you „Y/N where are you???? Annngeeeellll??“. But to his surprise, he doesn’t get an answer. He runs out of the room and goes to the pantry (room where you store food), since he thought that maybe you wanted to get something to drink. But you were not there „Jagiiiii?“ he yells again while he is searching in the other rooms. After a while he realises that the bathroom door is locked „Y/N are you in there?“ he asks in a normal tone. Again no answer, but this time he can hear sniffing sounds from you coming from behind the door, so he calls you louder „Y/N!!!!“. „Yes Sannie, what’s wrong?“ you answer him. „I searched you everywhere, I wanted to give you something, you remember?“ he tries to say through the door. Carefully, very carefully, you ask him „Can you just wait 3 minutes and 2 seconds?“. „What? WHY?“ he asks back, more confused than before. You say „Well eh…. the SVT comeback-„. But you can’t even finish your sentence because you hear a muffled sound coming from the door. Your boyfriend is leaning against the bathroom door and slides down to the ground with his back still on it „Y/N how could you!“ he says in a hurt and sulky tone. „But it’s SVT-. You know what, after that I have soooooo much time, only for you, yeah?“ you say to make him happy again. From the other side, you receive an answer that could also be from a loyal dog „Okiiii, I will wait in your room and don’t you dare coming too late!“. Happily he lies down on your bed again to feed you with chocolate later.


Mingi has absolutely no idea how to cook, so he bought some food to put in the microwave. He puts the food into the machine and prepares some drinks while he yells with his deep voice „Y/N the food is ready, are you coming?“. After that he sits down in front of the table, a few seconds later realizing that there are no plates where they’re supposed to be. With a sigh he stands up again to get some plates and the other stuff he needs. But before he can continue to do that, the microwave stops him with a loud sound. He walks to the little machine on the counter, now noticing that you still didn’t show up here. Again he calls your name „Y/N did you hear me?“. Because there is still no reaction coming from you, he decides to go upstairs and check what you’re doing. But as he opens the door, he can’t find you in your room. Thinking about where you could be, he walks to the bathroom but stops immediately after opening the door and turns back around. You went to the toilet with your phone and headphones because…. Yeh toilet things. You were watching a YT video until your boyfriend came in and scared you. While you are still looking at his back, he says „Y/N I prepared some food for us…. That’s the only thing I wanted to say, sry“ and leaves with closing the bathroom door. His hand runs through his hair quickly to calm himself down somehow before going back downstairs. You are still sitting on the toilet confused af but follow him downstairs a bit later to explain the situation to him. At the end you both start to laugh about that „accident“.


Wooyoung comes back with some food he bought in town for you two. He takes the food out of his bag and puts it on the table. „Sweetie I’m back, you coming downstairs?“ he calls in the direction of the stairs. After 3 seconds he tries it again „Jagiii I give you one more second otherwise I will come to pick you up personally“ he threatens you. One second later he runs to your room and quickly opens your door. You’re standing on your bed with your back to the door and dancing to the music you hear through your headphones. Meanwhile your boyfriend stops in the doorframe because he realises that you didn’t notice him yet, and is now watching your dance skills. He has to laugh a few times because of your movements, but at some point the food downstairs comes back into his mind and he walks in your direction. Woo lifts you up by your waist and puts you down on the ground in front of him. You look up at your grinning boyfriend, take off your headphones and slowly realise why he’s grinning the whole time. „Very beautiful, your dancing I mean“ he says, still with a grin on his face. You blush instantly „You do know what „knocking“ is, don’t cha?“ you ask him and look at him provocatively. „Well, it’s your fault for not answering me although I called you many times for dinner. Now our food is cold“ he replies to your question. „Well“ you explain cheekily „It’s your fault after all because you watched me the whole time the food stood on the table“. Without another word he goes downstairs. Still you yell after him „Yehhhh I’m coming“. Even now you can imagine the grin on his face. 


Jongho’s cutting the next fruit for your fruit salad in half at the moment. Because he’s too lazy to do the dishes, he decides to cut the fruits with his hands (as far as possible). As he’s done with the salad, of course he wants that you try his masterpiece. So he leaves the bowl on the table to get some forks from the cupboard. While he is doing this, he sings your name in a high tone „Y/NNNNN, you comiiiiing? I made some fooooood“. He puts the forks on the table next to the bowl, „Y/N?“ he yells again. But you don’t answer him, so he goes upstairs to your room and opens the door; however you are not in there. „Y/N!!“ he calls you again while looking for you in the other rooms. Next he thinks that you could be in the living room, so he walks there. He opens the right door and sees you sitting on the sofa with your phone and earphones in your ears. You’re scrolling through your social media, not suspecting anything. Suddenly you get lifted up and can’t breathe for a second. Your boyfriend grabbed you and has thrown you over his shoulder (don’t panic, the phone is alive). You try to fight back anyhow, so that he will put you back on the ground, but guess what: You’re not successful. With a sigh you take out your earphones and ask him „Jonghoooo what’s wrong?“. He answers you still looking to the front at his way to the kitchen „I made a fruit salad for us, which you should try but you didn’t react to my calls so that’s why you are there where you are now“. You slightly roll your eyes but also have to grin a little bit. You both approach the kitchen (well he’s still the only one who walks xD) while your arms wiggle in the same rhythm as his steps. After arriving at the table you both finally eat his salad.

12.07.2020 / 02:31 / 2603 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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