Norton(Prospector) x Reader

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"Was it really an accident?"


Requested by:

>  playingangel (for the yandere bit)
>  Unknown_Reyes (For the angst)

* I'm trying to hit 2 birds with one stone here and after a bit of brainstorming, finally got myself a feasible plot haha. Do note that this will take place in Norton's backstory, BUT it won't be very accurate, I also used golden cave mine as a reference but this is not golden cave, so yeah, hope you guys enjoy!*



"Today's the day!" 

You thought as you had woken up from your deep slumber, the crowing of the rooster's outside was your main alarm clock and as well as the sun that was finally peeking through the curtains of your room. What was today, you might ask, well today was the day you were going to join a few miners down the cave by the mountains. 

Mining was a very difficult and dangerous task, you know this, but that didn't and never did stop you from pestering them to let you join them and work with them. It took a lot of convincing though, and maybe the fact that you were a daughter of an old miner was how they gave in and let you have a shot. Why mining out of every other easier jobs anyways? Why bother with a work that would be a very 'high risk, high reward' kind of job? 

Well you never were one to prefer 'womanly' jobs like sewing or cooking or the likes, and you never saw the fun in working in factories, and you definitely have a bit of fear in the waters so you didn't even think twice about denying the offer of working in the docks, so now there's the mines! There had been a great number of miners who had struck jackpot and got enough gold to last for a whole lifetime and enough to buy them the luxury of things, and that's what you want. Your dad have never been lucky enough to strike that jackpot but you're confident in your skills, besides, you also like the idea of rubbing it in men's faces of a woman doing their job better than them. That certainly would be a treat.

But you can't do such things if you're running late now right? 

After a quick shower, dressing up, and then grabbing your stuff, you rush to where the others would be. Luckily it was rather close since you lived on the country side. When you had arrived, you saw a couple of horses there with wagons attached to them, a few of the pickaxes were there and dirt that was dug up from the cave and out to continue expanding it, and as well as the miners themselves, some seemed to be enjoying a good cup of Joe while others were prepping for another day of heavy labor work.

Admittedly, you were a little intimidated at first, this was a pretty new area for you but surely you can do it right, it wont be that hard right? 

Walking up to one of the familiar miners, who currently was leaning back on a chair and drinking some coffee, you cleared your throat and the man looks up immediately. "Oh, (Y/N), there you are. Thought you wouldn't show up" There was a bit of disappointment in his voice, you can tell, because as you remember last time he really tried to hammer in that there were monsters underground and the risks of dying on the job was high, and in fact, it was common. He tried to scare you so badly but here you were, smiling politely anyways. "Well Mr. Taylor, I wouldn't want to be absent on the first day" you reply, maybe an underlying cocky tone, but he didn't try to care much as he just sighs and finishes his drink and eventually folding the newspaper. "Well since yer here, might as well introduce you to your partner", "My partner?" you immediately questioned as you followed the taller man towards what may look to be a shack. 

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