Chapter 1

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"That´s the last straw!" The blonde ran furious out of the house and drove away on her bike. She hated it. She hated always arguing with her Partner, which she thought wouldn´t do that to her. But Michiru was searching every little mistake lately. Everything Haruka did was wrong and the turquoise haired girl was mad. The girl drove for a long time and just did´t know where to go. Suddenlyshe stopped. Haruka didn´t know why, but something in her was telling her to go straight to the building in front of her. The blonde went slowly to the house and dried her tears. There, at one of the doorbell panel, was a name written, that she actually hated...But something inside her was forcing her to ring the doorbell.. Nothing happend for a few seconds, till the door opened: "Haruka, what are you doing here? If you want to fight, then you can leave strauight away!" She stared at him, her worst enemy....Seiya Kou! "What are you doing here?" He asked again. She stood there. Silently. Not knowing what to say. "I asked you somethin, Tenoh. Anawer me." Haruka shrugged. "I...actually don´t know..." He sighed annoyed. "Look,  it is 2 a.m. and I want to sleep. You understand? So leave now, Tenoh. You are disturbing me." He noticed her strange behaviour. Haruka silently nodded and turned around, but he saw her tears falling down to the floor. Seiya was confused, ´cause he never saw the mighty Wind Senshi cry. Moreover, he never saw any other emotion then hatred towards him from Haruka. "Wait..."She stopped. "You can come in..." He gave her space to enter his house an she did it. He led her to the livingroom and disappeared for about 5 Minutes in the kitchen. Seiya came back with two cups of tea. The next moments were silent. No one knew what to say. Seiya starred at her, while she sipped from the tea. He couldn´t believe, that She was sitting there, the goddess of the wind. Without arguing. Without fighting. "Thank you for the tea, I guess..." mumbled the blonde and looked away. "No Problem. So...Do you want to talk about it? I mean, you don´t have to, but I am curious why you would come to my house?" "Well..." Haruka didn´t know what to say. She was still tired and mad of the things her Partner was doing and wanted to just stay silent. Seiya suddenly smiled warmly. "Ok, I won´t ask again. It is clearly hard for you to tell." He took the empty cups and brought them away. "Well Tenoh, my brothers are nothere for tonight. Do you want to stay and keep me compay?"

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