Chapter 8. Meeting royalty

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we then entered the atmosphere and Desha then docked the ship and we got off. Once we got off I followed Desha, who first had to get Rog, to wherever he was leading me to -the civilians didn't seem very fond of me and therefore stood as far away from me as they could. We then proceeded to climb up some stairs, they were covered in gold so I'm assuming that they led to royalty. At the top, there were a bunch of guards who looked like they wouldn't let anyone through, but they let me, Desha and Rog, into the building. Inside everything -and I mean literally EVERYTHING- gold and other-worldly materials, ahead I saw a throne and upon it sat royalty(alien royalty). We went to meet them and Desha and Rog bowed and gestured for me to now as well, and so I did, we then began to rise up and the alien lord asked that everyone leave(besides me) leave the room. I approached them and as I did I noticed they were female, she asked me my name and how I ended up here -I told her everything in full detail- she then asked if I had any question, I did. First I asked, " What is the name of your species?"
"Terraxons," she replied.
"Last question, what is this solar system called?"
"The Parada system." She then called a servant told him something in their tongue. The servant gestured for me to follow and I did, he then led me to a very fancy rich-looking building and led me in(I assumed this was my new home).

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