2 - Malaise

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(n) a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify.


With one final sigh, I step inside the mansion with the extravagant door closing behind me.

The inside of the mansion is just as alluring as the outside. The entryway is decorated with unique paintings and beautiful plants. The wallpaper is old and torn, yet still captures your attention. The hardwood floors are scratched but represent how the building has been lived in for generations.

The open floor plan of the entryway allows me to see the parlor through a set of opened doubled doors. The couches and armchairs are dated, yet tidy and expensive. The lavish fireplace in the middle of the room is giving off a homey feeling. Similar to the entryway, stunning vegetation adds an earthy feel to the room.

However, I have a weird feeling that I can't describe. There is something slightly off about the place. I feel as if I'm constantly being watched.

"Is this place haunted?" I blurt out.

Without acknowledging my words, Mrs. Grose makes her way over to the stairs. Before beginning to climb the massive staircase, she beckons for us to follow her. I raise my eyebrows at Rebecca, giving her a look that implies how Mrs. Grose seems a bit strange. Rebecca rolls her eyes at me before following the elderly lady up the stairs.

I stick my tongue out at my sister even though she can't see me. I make my way over to the base of the stairs and look directly up through the gap between the staircase. I groan as I see that there are multiple levels of stairs that lead to different levels of the mansion.

"Why can't this place have an elevator?" I mumble to myself as I begin to ascend the stairs, lugging my suitcase behind me. By the time we reach the second floor, I'm breathing heavily and my arms are tired from carrying my luggage.

Mrs. Grose looks at me with an unimpressed expression while Rebecca is unfazed by my dramatic nature. Mrs. Grose clears her throat before speaking.

"Rebecca, your room is the first door on the left." She says while pointing down a long hallway. "And Charlotte, your room is across from your sister's room. I recommend you unpack before dinner at 6:00."

Rebecca thanks the old lady before heading into her room. I follow my sister's actions by passing by Mrs. Grose while giving her an awkward smile. The last thing I would want is for her to dislike me. She could probably murder me.

I enter my designated room and take in its appearance. The wallpaper is light yellow with floral patterns of flowers and trees. There is a queen bed in the middle of the room with white sheets and a plain, light yellow comforter. On either side of the bed are oakwood side-tables with old, dusty lamps on top. There is an oakwood dresser on the righthand side of the room with a beautiful painting hung above it. The room also contains a small desk that can be used for various things. The furniture and wallpaper are in bad shape but I can't complain about having my own room.

I shut the bedroom door behind me before placing my suitcase on the bed. I sigh before opening it, taking out my clothes and arranging them in the dresser. Next, I place my makeup, lotions, and perfumes on the desk.

I notice there is a small bathroom connected to the bedroom. It has basic appliances but plenty of room for storage. I take my shower essentials and other girly things into the bathroom, organizing them by the sink and in the extra storage cupboard.

When I finally finished unpacking, I check my phone to see that I still have an hour before dinner. I consider finding Rebecca to see how she's doing, but instead, I decided that it would be beneficial to explore more of the property.

As I step outside, I take a deep breath of the cool fall air. The leaves are beginning to fall and crunch under my feet as I walk around the mansion. Soon enough, a footpath off to the left of the main path sparks my interest. I casually follow the unknown route with my hands stuffed in my pockets. My eyes are drawn to the beautiful trees and their changing leaves which descend around me.

After only a few moments of walking, I spot what looks to be a horse stable in the distance. The white paint on the stable is peeling off and there are many broken boards. However, I can see a few horses inside the stable chewing on fresh hay.

Curious, I enter the stable to get a better look at the horses. A stunning white horse draws my attention and I make my way over to it. Just as I reach out to pet the animal, a booming voice causes me to jump.

"You shouldn't be in here."

My head whips around and I come face to face with an unfamiliar boy. The stranger is quite a bit taller than me with smooth pale skin. His raven black hair sits on top of his head in a mess of curls. The boy has prominent cheekbones that compliment his facial structure and a jawline that could cut anything that grazes upon it. His almond-shaped brown eyes pierce into my own hazel ones. He stares blankly at me with almost no emotion.

"Well excuse me, there wasn't exactly a Do Not Enter sign on the door," I say sarcastically. "Who are you anyway?"

"I'm Miles." The boy replies. "I live here."

A lightbulb goes off in my head as I remember Rebecca telling me about the children she's supposed to take care of. It makes sense that Miles is one of them.

"Oh well, my name is Charlotte. My sister, Rebecca, is your nanny. I'm staying here with her." I tell Miles.

"I know."

His expression hasn't changed since the beginning of our conversation. Miles gives off an uneasy vibe, possibly even a scary one. He seems like an entitled, privileged, rich kid who wants everything his way. Well, I guess he is all of those things.

"Alrighty then," I say awkwardly. "We should go, it's almost time for dinner." Miles merely nods his head but doesn't make an effort to move.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Miles," I say before beginning to walk away from the stables.

Before I step out of the door, however, I turn back around to face the strange boy.

"You know, it wasn't very nice."

With that, I turn around on my heels and start the journey back to the mansion for dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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