Chapter 4

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"Hey Dad, there's a couple of boxes for you." Griffin walked into the kitchen with 2 boxes, one of them quite bigger than the other. "I didn't order anything, did any of you order something for me?" Bruce picked up the smaller of the two boxes, it didn't say who it was from. He looked up at Griffin, a confused look on his face, "Do you know if Mum ordered something?" Griffin shook his head, "Not that I know of. At least she hasn't told me if she has." Bruce opened up the box and pulled out a book, "Never Fear Cancer Again: How to Prevent and Reverse Cancer by Raymond Francis, M.Sc.". He saw a note attached to it, "Since you like to learn everything there is to know about everything, read this while you're on the mend. - Steve" Bruce chuckled as he picked up the book and flipped through it. Griff grabbed the note and read it, "Fuck", he laughed as he set it back down, "I don't think I've ever seen 'Arry give you anything. This cancer deal must have really gotten to him. Maybe he's feeling guilty for treating you like shit for all those years." Bruce laughed, "Nah, that's all in the past, we both treated each other like shit. He's my mate. I think this has made him think about his own mortality." Griffin picked up the larger box and opened it up, "A fucking trampoline?" he looked up at Bruce, a look of disbelief on his face, "Dad, a fucking trampoline!" he laughed as Bruce went over to see for himself. It was a little trampoline, that had a handle to hold onto while jumping. Something to use indoors while watching telly. There was also a note with it, "For you to keep busy and active while in treatment - Steve". Bruce chuckled, "Who the fuck does he think I am? Does he think I'm going to be doing jumping marathons after I get my head blasted with radiation? I'd be lucky to have the energy to use the toilet." Griffin walked up to Bruce, giving him a hug, "Well Dad, at least we know that Steve cares about something other than Maiden and himself." Bruce hugged his son back, "I've know that Son, I've know it for the past 40 years."
"Hey Emma. It's Bruce. Is Steve around?" it felt weird calling Steve's house. It seemed like it was becoming a thing between them now. Steve called Bruce, Bruce called Steve. After the cancer was gone, would they still call each other?
"Bruce! How are you feeling? Have you started treatment yet? I've spoken to Paddy and she told me that you're taking it pretty well." Bruce smiled to himself, he always got along with Emma. Steve's ex wife, Lorraine, was a tougher nut to crack, but Emma was down to earth, sweet, and seemed to calm Steve down. "Yeah, I've started a few weeks ago. It's going as well as it's going to go I suppose. It's kicking my ass, but I'll get over it." "Well, please make sure you take care of yourself, tell Paddy and the kids I said hello, here's Steve."
Steve answered the phone with a bit of hesitation in his voice, it had been awhile since he and Bruce had spoken on the phone, he didn't know how he would sound. "Bruce? Are you doing OK?" Bruce noticed the hesitation in Steve's voice. "I'm fine. I'm still alive. Cancer has yet to kill me." he let out a chuckle, knowing that Steve wouldn't appreciate the joke. "For fuck sake Bruce. Can you not talk like that? What if it does kill you?" Bruce sighed, "Steve, look, it's not, OK. And does. Fucking hell, look at the life I've led. lead singer to the best metal band in the world, pilot to the biggest fucking metal jumbo jet in the world, the best fucking fans in the world, a bad ass solo career, a beautiful wife and 3 wonderful kids that I've had a chance to see grow up....Steve, if I die tomorrow, I'll die a happy man." Steve knew Bruce was right, but he still didn't like him talking about death, "I know, but you still have so much more to do." Bruce decided to change the subject before either of them got emotional, "Mate, I got the gifts today, thank you. I appreciate it. I will read the book, I will study it and get as much as I can out of it. But the trampoline? What the fuck is that about?" Steve chuckled, "It'll be really good for your recovery. It's low impact and you can jump up and down on it while watching telly." Bruce laughed, "I have a feeling if the cancer doesn't kill me, that fucking thing will." He finally got Steve to laugh, "Well fuck, that wasn't my plan." Bruce sat and talked to Steve for about an hour. It felt good to talk about something that wasn't Iron Maiden. He was talking to Steve Harris his mate, not Steve Harris, bass player to Maiden. He decided to enjoy it while it lasted, because who knew if it was going to continue after he was done with treatment.

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