First met them

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*Sam's p.o.v*

It was in the middle of June and school was just about to end in a few weeks.
I was walking home from school, today was Friday and I was thinking about what I would do this weekend. I had nothing planned with my family so I decided to text my best friends Rachel, Jess, Oona, and Sydney to go get ice cream and then just hang out at the park.
*group conversation*
Sam: hey, you guys wanna go get some ice cream then just chill after?
Rachel: yeah! I'll bring my bathing suit! We should go swimming after
Sydney: yup! I'll bring my bathing suit to.
Jess: I'll bring my bathing suit and yeah my mom said I could!
Oona: yesssss! Thank god I was so bored when I got home, I'll bring a bathing suit.
Sam: okay good! And yeah bring bathing suits!

I told them to come to my house in about 20 minutes, I still had to ask my parents, I'm pretty sure they would say yes because they weren't coming home for 2 weeks. They told my neighbors to check up on me, but they never did. I still had to ask them, and they said yes... Thank god.

I changed into my bathing suit and cleaned up the pool area in my backyard. I then just sat on the couch and waited for my friends to arrive.
Sam- bea miller
Rachel- Noah Cyrus
Sydney- (young) Miley Cyrus
Oona- (young) Selena Gomez

It all started with a meet and greetWhere stories live. Discover now