Birth And Death 🌱☠

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Whenever a baby is born, mother and father and all their relatives and friends become immensely happy. When the second baby is born, again all those people are very happy. When the third chlid is born, again everyone will be happy. When a forth child is born then may be in some families they will not be happy like at their first kid because he or she is the "accidental kid". So hi there guys I am the forth one in my family after my three siblings;Ayesha, Abeer, Alizey and last but not least Amnah (aka me).
Ayesha is of 19, currently starting her graduate degree. Abeer of 18, he being in the last year of his highschool, Alizey is also 18 and is the twin of Abeer and I'm struggling for my Olevels.
So about birth and death, I think both are somewhat alike. Your birth is actually you meeting with your family and death is about you meeting with your Creator. In our world, we gayly celebrate birth of someone and yet are very sorrowfull on their deaths. Loosing someone you love, or have a blood relationship with them, can be very very wrecking for your poor heart. But everything has got reasons. Just like your coming into the world is not absurd but done for a purpose, your death is also for a reason. You have to go because all this a soap bubble, this life, these luxuries, these gayties-they will end sooner or later. But the thing is you have to understand the purpose of your life. It ain't no game. Live it to full yet live it for others as well.
I believe in all these things by heart. These are my faith. My driving power. My strength. But sometimes anyone can feel broken. They need some love to mend them.
My story. "It all starts with... That night... Her. They. Him. Shrieks. *background wailing *..."
I woke up panting hard. This can't be true. Why all these things keep coming back to me? Why any one else is not suffering? Why can't they feel that terror? Questions I can never ask. Answers I will never get.

Thank you to anyone and everyone who have accidentally tumbled on my book. I'm an amateur but I love to write. Hope you'll love the plot and everything.
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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