Chapter 1. How We Met

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I look up at the heavily guarded walls of my new workplace, the name 'Arkham Asylum' barely shone from the gate with all the rust that had shown the places age. I had somehow managed to juggle my emotions between excited for finally getting a high paying job and terrified by working at one of the most dangerous places on Earth.

"Mister L/n?" a guard asked as I approached the main gate on foot.

"Yeah that's me. I know I'm a bit early but you know the saying, early bird gets the-" I answered, but was rudely cut off by the guard.

"Look kid, this place is gonna chew that smile off your face. And I don't mean that figuratively, poor Harold... I say resign, NOW. Before you become one of the people living here" He seemed to demand, I was a bit shaken but still passed him my identification.

 "...Your funeral Y/n" The guard added as a beep rang out, the gate in front of me opened and the first man I see is the Commissioner himself, Jim motherfuckin Gordon.

"Oh, you must be the new personal guard" Gordon guessed, putting his hand out for a shake, which I gladly shook.

"Well I didn't know the details, just thought it was general tower guard business" I replied as me and Jim walked through hallways.

"Well, this is about a hundred times more deadly than that" Gordon explained as we passed what seemed to be overnight quarters for the full time guards, I also may have fearfully grunted after hearing the deadly part.

He explained to me that the guards are usually assigned to inmates, to make sure they don't talk about certain subjects with other prisoners and not to cause trouble. Apparently they left the details out as they seem to go through the guards quickly.

"So who am I going to be assigned to?" I asked trying to wish for that bloody hand puppet, probably the easiest inmate in this place.

"Well you were meant to be Clayface's new guard but a position popped up that needs more attention" Gordon replied, going through some documents that seemed to be piled up on a desk in the security section.

I couldn't be more glad to of avoided that living mud pile, considering he could just off me and make a double like it was nothing.

Gordon seemed to be confused, and then looked around surrounding desks for something.

"I swear her file was here somewhere" Jim spoke to himself while scratching his head.

I was about to offer to help but the rooms light went out for but a moment, and when they came back on there was a well known vigilante standing beside Jim, folder in hand.

"Oh, thank you Batman" Gordon thanked casually, my jaw dropped as the lights went back out, and just like that the tall dark man was gone.

The Commissioner handed me the file that he was searching for like nothing happened, and after some awkward silence Jim slowly walked out of the room.

"I guess we are just going to forget about that then" I said to myself as I followed Jim out of the room, who guided me to the change room for the employees.

"After you get changed into your uniform, you will want to read that file. It has the inmate's info and cell room number, goodluck Y/n L/n, God knows you need it here" Gordon said with a goodbye, leaving the room and most likely back to the GCPD.

I grab out my fresh white uniform from the locker and saw that there was multiple defense weapons and body armor pieces lying beneath my uniform.

"I mean, I heard that the inmates can get a bit handsy but this must be overkill" I once again said to myself, leaving all the extra gear in the locker and only taking the torch.

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