To Those Like Me

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I hate school not for the reason that I am being educated but for the fact that I am being educated on things I frankly don't give a damn about

Why am I spending MY life learning about things that will benefit me no more than the wind blowing a billion miles away

The raw truth of the matter is that in the end we are all going to die one day and unless knowing the formula y=mx+b is going to change that somehow, what is the point?

Why do I have to spend my limited days breathing in this world sitting in a classroom with people I don't want to associate with having lessons of no importance to me shoved down my throat only to later be regurgitated on a test of memory while the world outside continues to turn.

I am not saying in any form not to learn and be educated, but rather to learn and become educated on the things that will make YOU as an individual content. Experience the type of things that when you are in your final moments you can look back and say to yourself "hey, I did alright." Learn about what sets your fire and ignites the kind of passion that is so seemingly hard to discover these days.

There are so many kinds of smart in our generation and let me tell you that having a fancy framed degree to hang on your wall is not the only one.

If having a PhD is not your life goal, why accomplish it? I can promise you that that piece of paper won't be what's holding your hand when you die. But if it is what you want in life. Go for it, achieve it and be proud of it.

Not every human being is the same. Not every human being learns the same.

After you have confidence in your passion. Teach others. Share your experiences, your knowledge, your life achievements and struggles. Broaden this changing society's perspective on life and actually make a difference.

So listen to me carefully. If you are a student like me who has no idea why they are being pressured into believing that the only way to be considered 'smart' in this world is to be a straight A student and have a perfect life planned out, you can tell whoever is teaching you this to shove it in the sweetest way possible because we are not all the same nor will we ever be.
I have discovered that school does not make you and it does not break you.

I have discovered that school either assists you or depletes you rather. It could either spark your picture of the future or slowly dim that last spark of creativity and originality that you posses. This is my problem. I'm scared that they will ruin me.

Some like books, some like art, some like changing the world. We all go through obstacles that shape us. This life is the only one we have. This life is the only one YOU have. So go out there and love it, live it and learn from it and at the end of the day, come home and realize that school is not the be all and end all, but knowledge, experience, education and passion is.

NyctophiliaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora