Chapter Five - Regrouping

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After their encounter with the Predators, the group swam to shore. When Pyrrha made it to shore, she was still processing what she saw. She looked around to see if everyone else is alright. When she sees Dark Ace speaking with Cormac, Pyrrha becomes enraged over his action. She walks up to him and punches him in the face.

Pyrrha: You set us up! He led us into that death camp!

Despite the force she put behind the punch, Dark Ace was unfazed. 

Dark Ace: I needed to know what we we up against girl. Now we do.

Pyrrha: So you just let us spring the trap while you hide?! Where is the honor in that?! 

Dark Ace: You have the wrong priorities girl. You should be focusing on survival! You're lucky to be alive after that stunt you pulled!

Pyrrha: I couldn't leave him behind!

Cad Bane: Then you probably won't last too long. The first ones to die in these situations are usually the ones with honor. And they tend to die meaningless deaths. 

Pyrrha was unnerved by the Duros's words. But as the group was about to implode on itself, Cormac took order.

Cormac: Enough! We can't afford to split apart now! We have bigger concerns right now! 

Dark Ace: Bounty Hunter, have you seen or dealt with these creatures before?

Cad Bane: I've been around the Galaxy once or twice, but I've never seen these creatures before. Whatever they are, they're armed with advanced technology. They use projectile and energy based weapons. It appears they have some of of cloaking device.

Dark Ace: We now know that there's more than one of them. That they're bigger than us. Slower too. 

Cormac: We could that to our advantage. 

Hidan: Who fucking cares?! As long as I get my sacrifices, then I'm happy! 

Dark Ace: We can't do this alone. We need to work together if we're going to survive. Whatever they are, we're gonna kill them all. 

Pyrrha and the others understood the weight behind the Cyclonian's words. Despite having their own agendas, they realized that he was right. Pyrrha herself was concerned with the well being of everyone else and became more distrustful of Dark Ace.

Dark Ace: We set up a defensive perimeter. Make it look like we're holing up. That'll bring them to us. We force them to a choke point. We trap them in overlapping rings of fire and kill them. 

Cormac: I agree. If we're going to survive, we need to get them to fight in our terms. 

After setting up the plan, the group began setting up a perimeter. As they did, Pyrrha walked up to Hidan. 

Pyrrha: Are you all right Hidan?

Hidan: What kind of stupid fucking question is that?! Of course I am! 

Pyrrha: Are you sure? You took a nasty hit back in the enclave....

Hidan: Lord Jashin is my only concern! Serving his will is my only cause! As long as I have his blessing, I am invincible! But considering you did make sure I am able to continue, I'll make you end quick when I sacrifice you for Lord Jashin!

Haring that deeply disturbed Pyrrha. The way he causally talked about killing her was beyond her comprehension. At that point, she saw Hidan as someone who could possibly turn on the group on a whim. As she rested on a tree log, the Hound met with her. 

The Hound: You should've left the fucker. 

Pyrrha: I couldn't just leave him Sandor! No one deserves that fate!

The Hound: No one does Little Bird. 

Pyrrha: I still don't understand how Dark Ace could be so....cold. He has no honor. 

The Hound: Believe me Little Bird, I've met people far worse than him. He may be a liar and a cutthroat, but at least he's honest about it. 

Pyrrha: Why did you come back?

The Hound knew she was gonna ask that question. 

The Hound: You're an inquisitive little bird, are you?

Pyrrha: You could've left me and Hidan behind. Yet you didn't. Why?

The Hound thought about his answer. He didn't quite know the answer himself. The Hound was not one for saving people, yet he did.

The Hound: Didn't want you to throw your life away from a psychotic fuck like Hidan. You could do better. 

Pyrrha: I understand Hidan's....nature, but I couldn't just leave him!

The Hound: I've seen my share of honorable people in my time. Most end up dead doing something they could've walked away from. Dark Ace has a point you know. Honor don't mean shit if you're dead. 

Pyrrha: That can't be true Sandor. That can't be.

The Hound simply lets out a sigh. He could already tell that Pyrrha was stubborn. Despite this, she reminded the Hound of himself in some ways. 

The Hound: You really are an interesting one Little Bird. 

Meanwhile, Dark Ace and Cormac continue setting up the defenses. 

Cormac: Do you really think this will work?

Dark Ace: I don't know, but we have no other option. 

Cormac: This is a dangerous game we're playing. We may know what they are, but we don't quite know how they hunt. Even if we maneuver ourselves in a favorable position, they know this place better than we do. 

Dark Ace: Then let's hope we can overcome that. Otherwise we're dead. 

Cormac: Agreed. 

As the group worked to build their defenses, the Predators would begin hunting them. They were prey for the Predators to hunt. But the group would not go down without a fight.

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