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"You see, the thing about secrets that drive people insane is the not-knowing aspect of this familiar concept. People like a little mystery whether they want to admit it or not. The human psyche succumbs to its curiosity and relishes in the satisfaction of unsolving someone - anyone - they are involved with." 

"And what happens when secrets are revealed?"

"Well, that's easy; the person is either victimized or victimizes others. The thing about secrets is that they were kept hidden for a reason and sometimes, it's best to just let them be and to just forget about it."

"People do feel the need to know every little detail of a person, and I don't blame them because, let's be honest, who doesn't feel that way? But, as was the case between these star crossed lovers, some secrets should remain a secret."

Her eyes scanned the last few paragraphs of her article, the small light that seemed to spark in her eyes making itself present as it always does when she is close to submitting a piece. It's not like she could help it, she just felt such a rush - and it's all because of what she does for a living.

With every single article that she writes, she is forced to take on a different identity, posing as someone completely different than herself in order to find out the real story taking place - and then she exposes it to the world in a magazine called 'Vera Phatic'.

As her eyes soaked in the last few words, her lips curved up in to that signature smile. Her right hand moved the cursor across the screen as she hit the word 'Send', a soothing feeling coming over her. She let her shoulders sag as she leaned back in her chair finally feeling at peace.

Too bad that feeling was short lived as a new notification appeared in her inbox.

With a soft 'ping' from the computer, Macie was sitting bolt upright in her chair, her hand already clicking on the brand new e-mail that arrived from her boss. She had a few seconds to mentally prepare herself before finally reading the print on that e-mail.


ASSIGNMENT: "Hercules: The untold story of a self-made legend."

DETAILS: Harry Styles - better known as "Hercules" - has managed to fight his way to the top in the ring winning championship titles of all kinds. Using the identity of "Hera Scott" you are to follow the star in the ring and find out anything you can on what has made him so successful.

DEADLINE: To be discussed.

Macie's face hardened as she stared at the white screen in front of her.

'Her new assignment was to take on a new secret identity and find out everything she could on this "Hercules" guy. The worst part being he's a boxer.'

Let's just hope that "Hercules" never learns of Macie and her secret identity as "Hera Scott", or she might find herself in some trouble.


a/n. new story guys :D

yeah i thought i was cute by attempting to write a story like this. it'll probably be shit so we'll see how long this lasts but mY INFORMAL HIATUS IS (hopefully) OVER GUYS. I'M FINALLY GOING TO TAKE UP MY WRITING MORE OFTEN.

please vote, comment, fan, and share :D

hope you enjoyed this and expect more updates! i love you guys so so much and thank you so much for sticking around all this time. you literally have no idea how much that means to me and i owe you guys so much.

OKAY BYE FOR NOW. I PROMISE I'LL BE BACK SOON, LOVES! (hopefully tomorrow lol)

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