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Push your lack of chest out, look at my hair

Gotta love the way you love yourself

Your obsession with rocks and brown

And fucking the whole town's

A reflection on your mental health

Cause I remember when I found you --

I disconnected my phone from the port, the car falling silent.

"Alright, this should be easy," I huffed, gathering all the loose items that seemed to scatter as I was driving down the freeway. "I mean, it's not like I'm lying about my entire life to a stranger in order to gain his trust and exploit his secrets to the world."

Call me crazy but this is the kind of pep talk I needed in order to actually follow through with my assignment. Truth is, if I had a choice, I wouldn't even be here. I fought my boss as hard as I could to get my assignment switched but he just wasn't having it.

'If I let everyone pick their assignments, then the stories that need to be told won't be.' That's what he said to me before proceeding to inform me about all of my appointments for the next few days to "better fit Hera Scott" as if nothing even happened.

Forcing those thoughts to the back of my mind, I brusquely opened the door to my car. The cool night air nipped at the bare skin on my arms, but I ignored it.

Instead I focused on what I really needed to know in order for tonight to be a success.

Digging around in my bag, my fingers brushed against the thin paper I was looking for. I quickly pulled it out, unfolding and smoothing out the creases before reading the fine print in front of me.


Your typical city girl trying to make it big, bouncing from job to job to make ends meet. Just like the city she grew up in, she's cold and distant. She tells it like it is and never backs down from a challenge. Her strong personality should help her approach "Hercules". Any other details can be made up along the way, just remember:


FIRST CHECK IN: Two weeks, 01.17.15

Hera Scott is a lot different from Macie Scott.

Macie is quiet and reserved , but when she's comfortable with you, she can be warm and caring. She's compassionate and driven, but not nearly to the degree as Hera. Hera is someone I'll have to work hard to be, overcoming my usual social habits in order to really sell this character.

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