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Jacks Pov Years ago

I'm so nervous. My best friend was having a child. He was giving BIRTH! Wait no, his WIFE is giving birth not him.

Ugh sorry, but I'm really excited.

Hi, I'm jack frost, I'm seven years old and his an alpha werewolf. I have an older brother, so unless he dies or something I won't be alpha of the

Rosa Sanguine pack.

My best friend who is fifteen years older than me. Weird I know, but he is my fight trainer so we always have fun.

But, right now his mate is giving birth. His mate is the omega of the pack.

¨Jack sit down you're making me nervous,¨ my brother tells me.

My brother's name is Maxwell Frost he is fifteen years old. He was super passionate about being alpha, kind of obnoxious.

¨Well I'm sorry if I worry about Ace!¨

Yeah, my best friend's name was ace. He was 22 and in my opinion quite handsome. My brother looked like a walrus next to him. Don't tell him I said that.

¨Anyways,¨ My brother glared at me,¨While you were pacing the doctor told me the baby was just getting cleaned and we could see him in a second.¨

¨Him? I thought it was a girl?¨ I asked

¨There was supposed to be twins, but the male kinda absorbed the girl.¨

What!? I looked at him horrified.

He burst out laughing,¨Im just joshing you we told you it was a girl because we knew you didn't want it to be a girl.¨

I glared at him and then turned away.

¨Are you here for Ace and Kate Hombre-Lobo.¨ A doctor said.

¨Yes!¨ I jumped up and rushed to him.

¨well the baby is very healthy and so is the mother, you can go-¨ I interrupted him with thanks and rushed into the room.

I heard my brother apologize, but I was distracted by a wonderful smell.

It smelt like cinnamon and sandalwood.

My brother came in and I asked what the smell was.

¨Smell? What smell?¨ He asked with a confused and panicked face.

I just shrugged and walked into the room.

I was in awe, there sat my best friends and his wife holding a bundle of light green fabric.

My best friend looked up and smiled and waved me over.

I walked over to see kate holding a baby in that fabric.

The smell hit me harder than before as I looked at the baby.

¨The smell,¨ I muttered.

¨Smell?¨ Ace asked.

¨Yeah it smells like cinnamon and sandalwood.¨

Kate and ace exchanged a happy face.

¨when we get back to the packhouse ask your mom why he smells like it.¨

¨Oh what's his name?¨



When we arrived back at the packhouse from the Hospital, I ran inside in search of my mom.

I found her in the study going over some luna responsibility.

¨Mom!¨ I yelled out hugging her.

¨Hello, little jack what's up¨ She responded.

¨Aces son smell different.¨ I tell her

She gave me a confused look.

¨He smells like cinnamon and sandalwood.¨

¨Oh sweetie, that's because he is your mate.¨

(Yeah, that's right. In my verse whenever you meet your mate, no matter the age, you can tell unless you haven't learned yet)

¨Oh that cool.¨

It was silent.

¨What?¨ I asked.

Mom laughed.


Mom told all about what a mate is and how you establish a bond between mates. She told me to wait until we were both eighteen.

I asked her why eighteen, and she giggled and said, "Youll find out later."

Oh well, I guess I just have to wait.

~3 Years later~

"WHAT!?" I yelled/

Ace visibly flinched, "I'm sorry Jack, but we have to leave the pack for fifteen years."

"But, WHY!?" I asked years threating to fall.

He just shook his head.

Miguel ran in and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

"Dwon't well or Shwout" he said cutely looking up at me.

After ten minutes of tears and hugs, they left.

As I watched them fade from the view I thought I might never see Miguel again.

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