Mom's note

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It was 1 pm the next day. I forgot I had to check up on the house. I hope I wasn't to late.

I quickly put on some clothes and left running to my house. When I got there, I saw Eren walking into my house. I hid behind some bushes hoping he didn't see me, and apparently he didn't. I watched him trying to unlock the door for a few minutes. When he got it to open, he went inside. I waited a few seconds before following him in.

I looked around to see where he was, but I couldn't find him. I thought he was upstairs, so I went up. The thing is, he wasn't upstairs, he was behind me the whole time. He knew I followed him inside. 

He put a cloth over my mouth and held me in his arms tightly, making it hard for me to break away. I don't know what was in the cloth but there was something there causing me to faint.

I woke up lying on the cold hard ground. I tried to get up but my hands were tied to a pole behind me. My legs were also tied to hooks on the ground. At least I could sit up. 

I heard footsteps coming towards me and I tried to scream, but I couldn't. There was something in my mouth to prevent me from making any noise. The footsteps stopped in front of me. I felt something warm touch my face. Then there was light. I blinked several times, trying to adjust to it. Apparently I had a blindfold on the whole time.

I looked up to see someone standing in front of me. Eren.

It'a been 2 hours since I've left the basement. The place I woke up in. I don't know why he let me leave the basement. I mean, he could always just bring food down there, right? Eren was silent the whole time. He only talked when he was telling me to take a bath or to eat lunch. I was wearing his clothes and they were big. The shirt was falling off my left shoulder a bit and was covering up my knees. His pants were sagging down, but it small enough for me to wear.

I walked over to the couch after I finished with my bath. Eren was on one corner of the couch watching tv. I sat down on the other corner of the couch and watched yuri on ice with him. (Guys. If you have never watched Yuri On Ice before, WATCH IT NOW!!! I swear that you'll love it. If you don't, you're.... special.)

I don't know when I feel asleep, but when I woke up, I was sleeping on a bed. It was comfy and warm. I started to snuggle into something. It was a bit hard, but it was warm and a little bit soft. At first I thought it was a hard-ish heated body pillow, but when something wrapped around my waist, I jumped up in shock only to see Eren sleeping peacefully. I stared at him. He was beautiful. I stroked his face. His face was warm and soft. I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but I did. I pulled closer towards him and stayed there. My nose slightly touching his. Then I kissed him.

I jolted up regretting what I did. I actually loved it. His lips were soft, but I knew that I was dead. He would kill me if he knew what I did. 

I quickly got out of the bed, trying not to wake Eren up. I changed out of his clothes to my clothes and left the house. I didn't know where I was, but I was running anyways. I didn't care if I got lost, all I needed to do was get as far away as possible from Eren's house. I was hoping he wouldn't wake up anytime soon.

(It's what you've all been waiting for. Drum roll please. da dum dum dum dum ching)

Eren POV

I felt something snuggle against my chest. Maybe it was just my cat, Rivaille. I wrapped by arms around him. hmm. He seems a little bigger.  I decided to ignore it. Rivaille jumped out suddenly and started to touch my face. His hand felt warmer than usual and his touch was more gentle. Again, I ignored it. Suddenly Rivaille kissed me. I was shocked. He never does that. He hates it whenever he touches me and this is the first time he made the first move. I don't know why I didn't wake up to grab him, but I felt like it was the best thing to do so he would kiss me again. Too bad he didn't. I felt him get off the bed. At that moment, my mind started to work. Something was clearly wrong. First of all, he would never snuggle with me. Secondly, he hates being touched. And third of all, he was dead. Wait... He was dead.  OH MY GOSH! HE WAS DEAD!


I jumped out of bed and ran towards the sound of the click. It was the front door. Was it a burgular? I decided to be dumb and opened the door to see a small raven head sprinting down the street. Oh no. It was Levi. I ran out of the house and stepped on a rock. 

"Ow!" I yelled. I fell down and looked at my foot. I didn't have my slippers on and it was bleeding. I limped back inside and cleaned it up. Hopefully I won't get an infection. I'm going to call the police so they could look for Levi. He's mine and only mine. No one else could take him because I'm the only one who could punish him. It was all his fault. If he never did it. If he never left me. Rivaille and mom would still be here. It was his fault they left. Even my dad left later. I don't even know if he's alive.

My hands flew to my lips and it stayed there for a while. My face started to heat up. What's happening to me? Was I sick? Was Levi the one who kissed me? No it had to be him. I started to get frustrated and even more pissed off because of him. I grabbed the closest object and threw it to the ground, shattering it.

Shit. I thought. That was the last thing I received from Levi. I kept it there for so long cuz that was the one thing I actually liked even though Levi was involved with it. I walked over to the closet and grabbed a broom, sweeping up the broken glass. While I was sweeping up the glass, I found a folded up piece of paper. I bent down and picked it up, unfolding it.

Dear Levi,

This is the first letter I have ever written to you. I'm very sorry to say that this isn't a letter of good news. You might be reading this because it's your eighteenth birthday. Well, by now, you should be mature enough to handle the news. I think. It may seem like father looks a lot like you, but you're actually adopted. Your parents were killed by someone named Grisha. We took you in because we knew that he was going to kill you too. Your real father was you father's twin. That's why you two looked alike. I know this is hard for you to bear, but the son of Grisha, you must never get involved with him. All we know is that his name is Eren and he doesn't resemble his father at all. Please. Whatever you do, stay away from him. When you were younger, Eren tried to kill you. It might sound stupid, but he had a cat that would always attack you whenever you came into sight. His cat would always try to hurt you and cause a distraction so that Eren could kill you. It almost worked, until you fell into a river. The cat fell along with you. Eren tried to save his cat, only to have his mother killed while saving her son from drowning. So far, we know that Eren and Grisha are still alive and you lost your memory. If you don't want to believe this, then it's fine. It wouldn't sound realistic either after 18 years and then suddenly receiving the first letter from your mom only to realize that it was all bad news. But please read til the end because there is one more thing that I need to tell you. 

If you remember the time when we met a young boy named Eren. Then you'll realize that he's Grisha's son. I should've known before. I'm sorry to put you in so much trouble. I should've told you when I realized that a year after meeting him. I should've told you, Levi. But you just seemed so happy whenever you were with him. Yes, we found out you were actually in love with him. Neither of us could break the news to you. I'm sorry. To make it worse, you're reading this letter telling you that your crush was your killer. This is the worse birthday present we can ever give you, but I promise that we will set fireworks for your birthday next year. I know you love the fireworks. It was the day you met Eren, although you always make up excuses that it wasn't because of Eren that you love fireworks so much. We'll make your 19th birthday the best one of your life. I promise you that. You're going to love it because we're planning you a surprise. I'll give you a hint: it has something to do with Eren. (not the fireworks. It's more like meeting him and seeing him everywhere you go) Heehee. I know you can't wait for you're 19th birthday now. Also, this is the only good thing about this letter too. Sorry. Again.

Love you, Mom

I quickly put on my shoes and ran out of the house looking for Levi.

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