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Eddie's POV
I was at my locker before first period, putting away my phone and grabbing the books I needed for my class when I heard footsteps behind me, yea I know what your thinking, no shit Sherlock it's a damn hallway, but this was different. The footsteps were obviously coming tword me. "Uhh...Hey Eddie?" It was Bev. "Yea Bev, what's up?, you sound off." I said hesitantly, thrown off by her slightly embarrassed tone. "You left this at Ben's after the Loser hang out yesterday.." She said handing me a book. Oh shit, oh fuck, SHIT!! I screamed in my head, it was my journal, almost EVERYTHING in that thing was about Richie. "Bev..who gave you the book?" I said terrified taking it from her hand "Richie did, right before he left, he must've had it since you left, Eddie." Bev said as my heart sank. What if Richie read it?! Those words going crazy in my head. I only have a journal cause I was too scared to tell the losers about Richie and I didn't know if I could ever tell him. "Eddie I'm so sorry." Beverly shook her head and I saw her face get puffy and red. "I read it, I wasn't going to tell you but I feel so bad about it." She gave me a hug and started to cry a little. "Bev, it's ok, you guys probably knew most of that stuff anyway." I was a little upset but it's true, Richie was the only oblivious one in the group, much to my advantage. Bev laughed and and stopped hugging me, she was so tall compared to me I thought if she hugged me much longer she was gonna hurt her back. "We do know E-Eddie." She said smiling but still stuttering from the crying. "Wait, we?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Yea, all of the losers , except Richie, know. We have known for awhile." She seemed as though she wanted to talk more but the bell to signal we only had a few minutes to get to class rang so she left. I turned back around to my locker and finished my routine. "Hey, Spaghetti man!" Oh no, speak of the devil. "Hey Richie!" I smiled and I felt my cheeks get warm. Dammit Tozier! You're so cute I can't even hear you speak without blushing! "Get your journal back ok?" Fuck. He did see it. "Yea...did you umm-" he cut me off before I could finish. "Do you think we could talk later, like at my house? My parents are working til late and I don't fell like being alone with my comics all day." He said with that stupid shit eating grin on his face. "Yea for sure Richie." I said as I closed my locker. "Bye Rich!" I yelled walking down the hall "Bye Eds!" He yelled back. I always say I hate when he called me that but it makes me so happy.

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