The Start

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I was laughing with Evie While Uma Was At Work "EvIe I neEd My FOoD" Evie laughed and said in Audrey's voice I was laughing so hard "so how are you and Uma???" Evie asked "Good..." I responded I was scared..of Uma...She Always Abused Me When I never do anything... Evie Can Tell In My Eyes That I was lying...but then Audrey Came to pick her up Evie Kissed me Goodbye "Well Talk about this Next Week" Evie Told me I nodded...and Evie Left Then Came Uma coming In The door I sighed and Laid Down on my side away from facing her I heard Uma go into the bathroom when I heard the shower turn on I just cried...I Think Uma Heard My crying She turned off the shower...I stood silent I felt the bed go down a bit "Mal..." A Scottish Voice said "Yes..?" I asked "Was That You crying and Don't Lie Please..." Harry told me I nodded..."Uma I'm taking Mal to my room for the night" Harry yelled "Okay!" Uma yelled 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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