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"Why are you being so mean?" Izuku sniffled threw tears. "Your making him cry kacchan! If you keep on hurting him, I'll- ill urr..."

Iku stepped in front of his brother with risen fist. "I'll hurt you, Sukichan!"

The blond starred at the twins before huffing. "You wanna pretend to be a hero? You don't stand a chance without a quirk! Dekus." Katsuki set off a small explosion in his hand. The two children behind the blond rushed forth with Katsuki ready for a fight.

When the three were finally done both twins were left on the ground. Both with scraps and Iku with a bruise forming on his face.

'The sad truth about the world we live in is that same are just born stronger than others. At 4 years old my brother and I learnt that the hard way. Izuku was determined not to let that hold him back. I don't really care anymore.'

"So...." it was the final class of the day and all the students listened as the teacher dragged on. "As third year students it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives." Iku sighed as he looked out the window with disinterested.

"I could pass out some career aptitude tests but," the teacher threw the paper into the air, "why bother? Hah, I know you all want to go into the hero track!"

The classes cheered while showing off they're wide range of quirks as they agreed with their teacher. Iku just sighed again at the noise.

"Hey teach, don't lump me in with these losers." The abrasive voice spoke over all the students. "I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted low rank hero." Katsuki let out a chuckle with his feet on the desk.

'Real mature Sukichan.' Iku rolled his eyes before looking over at his twin who was keeping his head down.

The explosive boy stood up on his disk, looking down at his classmates. "I aced all the mock test! I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance in getting in!" He declared loud and proud. "I'll end up more popular than all might himself and be the richest hero of all time! People all across the world will know who I am and it all starts with U.A high!"

"Oh yeah, Midoriya? Don't you want to go to Yuuei to?" Iku turned his eyes to his teacher with a glare as Izuku jolted in his seat and the class fell silent.

They looked at both of the twins, the class couldn't tell them apart so treated them like one person most of the time. Iku looked down to hide his face as Izuku paled.

"The Midoriyas, you're kidding right?" A boy laughed, others joining in. "There's no way you're gonna get into the hero course without a quirk!"

Izuku stood up backing away a bit. "W-well actually they got rid of that rule, I could be the first one-" He didn't finish as Katsuki stood, charging at the freckled boy while setting off explosions. Iku jumped out of his chair and backed away from the two. Unlike his twin, Iku had given up on defending himself with these things, especially if Bakugo was involved.

"Listen up Deku, you're even worst than the rest of these damn rejects you quirkless wannabe. You really think they'd let someone like you in when they can have someone like me!?" Izuku gasped while trying to get away.

"No wait! You got it all wrong! Really! I'm not trying to compete against you!" Iku stood off to the side and just watched in fear.

'What am I doing? I can't let Izuku get hurt!' He gathered every bit of courage he had and stepped forth. "I-it's not like they won't let you in if they let him in! I-I-it's almost guaranteed you'll get in Sukichan!" His stuttering got Katsuki to turn to him with a growl.

"Yeah and what about you Deku?!" He grabbed the shorter boy by the front of his shirt.

"I-I'm not even trying for U.A!" He stutters out losing all his bravery and just wanting for this to be over.

Bakugo smirked as he looked over the twin he was holding. "At least one of you got some brains... which one are you again?"

"I-Iku.." He sighed a bit sad that even someone that knew them so long couldn't tell the two apart.

The teacher finally decided to step in and continue on with class.

"Oh Midoriya Iku," Iku looked up at the teacher. "Come to my office after class, there's something's I'd like to discuss with you."

The younger twin just nodded, scared of what the teacher could want. Thoughts and scenarios circled in his head as his anxiety grew. Once class was over he clumsily got up and went to meet with the teacher.

"Y-you wanted to see me sir..." his voice was quiet and unsure as he stood by the teachers door.

"Yes, take a seat Midoriya." The teacher pointed to a chair in the room which Iku sat down in. "I've been looking threw your grades and have to say I am rather disappointed." He pulled out some papers and read threw them. "Your grades have gone down in the past year. Midoriya this is unacceptable."

Iku kept his eyes on the ground not able to meet the teachers glare. "How do you expect to get into a high school with grades like this? Not to mention your quirkless." The adult stated with a harsh tongue, his words practically stabbing at the boys chest.

"How do you expect to get anywhere in the world like this? At least you brother is smart. No one is going to give a job to a quirkless idiot." Tears sat in Iku's eyes wanted to fall. The truth was his grades were falling because he had given up. He knew no matter what he did he would never get anywhere in life. Hearing what he already knows hurts though.

"So you either clean up your act or end up homeless. Now get out." The teen wasted no time leaving the room and then the school. He didn't bother waiting for his twin he just wanted to be alone.

As he walked he turned away from his home going to a relatively empty park to think. He hated the words of his teacher but knew they were true. He also knew he could easily get a better score.

'Hell I'm still getting a passing grade. That makes me average not stupid!' He sniffled and wiped his eyes. Hatred taking over his sadness. 'He has no right to call me stupid I get average grades if it was anyone else he wouldn't have bothered but just bc I'm faking usel-'

He stiffened at his train of thought. He meant quirkless but... why did he think useless?...

"Well... I guess there basically the same anyway...."

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