Chapter 2

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Avneet's Point Of View :-

We both very quickly became very good friends . I asked him his name and he replied ,"My name is Siddharth Nigam , and what about yours ?" I replied back to him saying ,"My name is Avneet Kaur . It is nice to be your friend ." We both started chatting and chatting . We talked about college , classes , teachers , our friends , best friends , parties , dance and friendship . Then , our dance teacher came up on stage dancing to the latest Bollywood hits , and announced that it was going to be New Year in another minute . We all turned towards him - Our Teacher : Sumedh Mudgalkar . He started the countdown and reached - 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 and 0 !!! Happy New Year 2020 ! Then , at that time , me and Siddharth KISSED each other at the stroke of midnight !!! Can you believe it ? OMG ! My year started off so good already . After he moved away from the kiss , he said a gentle "Bye" and went back to his friends , who were not at all seen in the crowd . I went back to dancing , thinking about Siddharth . Next Morning , I was really tired , but I was really desperate to find out who he was , and what he did . Later , when I reached college , I found out in records that he had also joined this college last month itself , and he was a new admission . He was surprisingly an amazing dancer and an excellent gymnast , too . He was an even better dancer than me ! I agree to that . Also , he was a really good friend of my dance teacher , Sumedh sir . Then , I found out with some more research that he was also very good in studies , and I got some detailed information about his family . He had a brother named Abhishek Nigam , and his mother . Unfortunately , his father passed away when he was very small . I also found out that he was in the same class as me , and I thought that how come I had never noticed that . Well , that was some very good news I found out , because in this way , we both could be together for a more amount of time . Well , that plan worked amazingly well . It was a perfect shot . We both just spent each and every moment with each other . Also , our first kiss had already occurred on the strike of midnight in New Year 2020 ! One more really amazing thing , is that our dance teacher , Sumedh sir , always and always places us both together for each and every dance performance in every class and in every audition for any of the dance competitions . Co-incidently , our families are now very close friends of each other , and now they meet each other like almost every day ! Well , then you ask me what happens next ? I do not have the answer to that question of yours , seriously speaking . I am really sorry for that . But the thing is that I am now sooo happy that I found my first true love , that I am unable to even talk properly to my best friend - Krupa Lakhani . She has been texting me asking hundreds of millions of questions everyday , and I have not answered any of her questions yet . Why ? Because I am sooo happy ! I am filled with joy ! And , I know this is not really a good habit or anything , and do not mistake me that I was eavesdropping on my parents conversation or anything , because I was not doing so . I was just casually passing by their room and heard them talking . But , the most burning question - What were they talking about ? And what did I hear ? Well , surprise surprise , they were making plans for mine and Siddharth's WEDDING ! Like can you seriously believe it ? It has been so less time that we both have met each other , and our parents and family members are already starting to plan our WEDDING ! Like OMGGGGGG !!! One really embarrassing thing happened to me in front of Siddharth's mom . I was visiting his house like I do everyday , and I dropped a piece of Samosa on the floor . I got up to pick it up , but accidently stepped on that piece and slipped , along with me wearing heels , and I was about to hit my head on the center table made of pure glass , and would have broken my skull , backbone , rib cage , hands , and arms if Siddharth had not got up on time and caught me , in front of his MOM ! I was blushing red ! Well , I guess that is it I had to tell you . 

Siddharth's P.O.V :-

What the ?? I just met this new girl Avneet on New Year's Eve , we kissed , fell in love with each other , which is very normal , and got engaged within like a month . And now , my MOM is planning my WEDDING with Avneet ! Can you believe it ? Because I cannot at all ! I am so surprised all of this happened so fast ! I may go crazy with happiness ! Just in case , me and Avneet have already started the amazing planning for our honeymoon !

We both found a Soulmate  !

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