Chapter 10: A New Life

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All was well for the Solo family. Han and Hope grew up learning about the force and their parents taught them how to be a Jedi. But one night changed it all....

Hope tossed in turned in her sleep constantly. Something was haunting her. She felt some dark coming and she didn't know what it was or what to do. She was alone at night. It was cold and snowing. It was hauntingly beautiful, but her family was nowhere to be seen and that scared her. She only had her grayish blue nightgown on with her black cape Ben got her for her birthday. But she had no socks.

"Mommy?" Hope said in fear.

"Don't you worry child." She heard a strange woman say.

"Who are you?" Hope asked.

"Don't be afraid, child. I won't hurt you. Join me in the dark side and you and I can rule together." The woman said as she walked in front of Hope. Her face was covered by a black, and blood red mask. She wore a similar cape like Hope's, but it was blood red and a little bit longer. She had a long, beautiful black dress that matched the sky. And she wore black shoes with freakishly long heels that made her taller than she really was.

"Mommy and daddy says the dark side's bad." Hope replied in her sweet, angelic voice.

"When you're older I can teach you more than them. I know so much more about the force than your parents, sweet Hope." The figure offered.

"What's your name?" Hope asked. She was smarter than she led on. Once she had her name the second, she'd recognize it or the costume, she'd deny the dark side and fight against it.

"I sense you feel suspicious." The figure said.

"How would you know that, huh?" Hope snapped.

"The force." The figure answered.

"You still haven't answered my question. What's your name?" Hope repeated.

"Call me... K." The figure answered and vanished.

"No!" Hope screamed as she woke up.

Rey and Ben woke up in fear from the scream. They rushed to Hope's room and right behind Ben was Han.

"Father, what happened?" Han asked.

"Go back to sleep. Your sister just had a nightmare." Ben answered and went to Hope's side. He saw Rey's eyes were widened with shock as she faced him.

"What is it?" Ben asked.

"Someone named K tried to get Hope to join the dark side. I saw it." Rey answered.

"May I take a look?" Ben asked Hope. Hope was in tears, but she nodded. Ben closed his eyes and used the force to see it. What he saw shocked him. He hugged Hope.

"It's okay." Ben whispered.

"I can't sleep. She'll come for me." Hope cried.

"Nobody will come for you." Rey assured her. Ben picked her up and held her to make Hope feel better. Ever since she was a baby she always felt better when Ben would carry her. She was a daddy's girl. She eventually stopped crying and fell asleep in his arms.

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