The Confession

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"I'm pregnant!" Pearl yelled happily, as it echoed across the room. "W-WHAT?! Garnet, Amethyst, and Steven all shouted in sync. The gems looked at each other than back at Pearl in shock.

Pearl, a gem made to be of a diamond's servant, a mother. They didn't know what to do about the situation. It felt like when they found out that Rose was pregnant.

"I respect your decision." Said garnet, and soon followed Amethyst. Steven just stood there in shock. Pearl was always there for them, and even though she was annoying sometimes, they still loved her.

And just the thought of her leaving him forever made him be on the verge if crying. "A-Are you ok Steven?" Pearl asked, staring at the poor teen. "B-But've always been there for me...what am i going to do once you're gone..?" Steven said.

"Steven, know how you feel. I felt the same way when Rose told us she was pregnant. But..even though you may feel really sad for a long time, the pain will go away soon." Pearl said, trying to comfort Steven. "O-Ok..." Steven replied.

That night Steven couldn't sleep at all. Thoughts of terrible things that could happen flooded his mind. What if Pearl's child is a brat? What if her child replaces him? WHAT IF HE BECOMES THE NEW PEARL?!

Even though he just made up the thoughts in his head, they still had a very high chance of actually happening.

The next morning...

"Mornin' Steven!" Amethyst yelled at him. But then, she started to notice the big dark purple ish-gray bags under his eyes. "Steven, you ok dude? You have bags under your eyes..." She said, worryingly.

"No..I'm fine... It's not like I stayed up all night..heh heh..." The poor teenager said, trying to cover up all the sadness and tiredness. "Listen Steven, if this is about the whole "Pearl's pregnant!" thing, It's gonna be ok. Garnet, me, and everyone else can help you."

"IT'S NOT ABOUT THAT!" Steven shouted, creating a huge bubble around the whole temple. "S-STEVEN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Amethyst screamed at Steven.

The ground started to shake. Steven's bubble started to crash into the temple like it crashed into Sadie's stage."I-I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU THAT IF PEARL LEAVES I'M GOING TO-" The boy paused in the middle of his sentence. As he paused, the bubble broke.

"I'm so sorry i-" Steven said, but was quickly interrupted by Amethyst. "'s ok Steven.. I feel the same way about Pearl leaving..."

            *TO BE CONTINUED*

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