Part 1

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Obito POV
After a long mission with Kakashi, Rin and Minato Sensei i finally can relax.
I walked in my dorm and layed on my bed thinking of how cute Rin is. "So caring, beautifull, i want to confess my love so badly to her .. Well i also want a girlfriend, i want to get Rin to be my girlfriend before someone else does a move! Like Kakashi.. Uh Kakashi, he thinks he's better then me.. What am i thinking! Everybody prefers him better, even Rin might fall for him.. or already did."
I told myself with a sad expression on my face.
"I mean, it is true.. Kakashi is so skilled, and he is really hot.."
After thinking of Kakashi i turned red a bit. "
AH- WHAIT. Why am i thinking about him!? Im not gay of course! Gahhh -"
I grabed my head and shaked it
A while after i started to play video games on my Nintendo 3DS (yes, they are Nintendo 3ds in my story -w-)
"Yeah!" I said finally finishing one of the bosses in the game i was playing.
I suddenly here a soft knocking on my door. I was thinking is it Rin?. That Knock is so soft it must be her! But.. What is she doing at my door..
I got up and walked to the door.
i opened it.
"Oh! H-hey Rin!!" i said smiling "What are you doing here?.."
"Hi Obito!" she said with a really cute smile
"I need to talk to you.." She continued
"Yeah, Im all ears! Oh here come on in! :)"
She walked in and said
"Obito.. I love you"
Okay what the fuck. My mind like blew up. Im so suprised.
"Huh!? What?! Really...?"
"Yes.." She said with a soft voice, she started walking towards me like she was going to kiss me?!
I closed my eyes and made my lips ready..
"HAHAHaahahahaha!!!!" Laughed off a change of voice
I quickly opend my eyes and saw Kakashi standing infront of me, like i was almost about to kiss him! WHAT THE FUCK!
"I got you so bad Obito!! You should of seen you're dumb face almost kissing Rin, oh oops i mean me!" He laughed while talking
I turned very red and i was so fucking. pissed.
"...Ahhhh KAKASHI! ! WHY YOU!"
"Ah come on don't be a cry baby, you really think Rin would do that? Wow that was hilarious"
"Kakashi, that was mean.. you.. -you pice of shit.!"
"Wasen't that bad, anyways watcha up too? Im bored so i thought coming by here i heard you got the Nintendo 3ds"
"Get out. Kakashi, you fucking piss me off.. If you are so bored go hang out with some one else."
"Nah. I'll stay here, it's so chill." He said laying down on my bed
"Hey!! Get off thats my bed!! " I said with an angry tone
He completly ignored me while playing on my Nintendo 3ds, the thing i hate is what he just did but the thing i hate the most is that.. I actually wouldn't mind kissing him.. Ahhhh Noooo!! I need to get out of here! I walked out the door and left kakashi in there, "finally some air" i said to myself going outside.
Kakashi POV
He left?.. Pussy. Well.. Maybe i over did it... DAMN IT...
He was so cute when he got mad .. I guess i might wa.. I fell alseep on how comfy his bed was.
[1 hour later]
Obito POV
I started to head back to my dorm because it was raining but damn i had a nice walk.. Im sure Kakashi left a while ago. I looked at the time and it was already 10:31 pm "Ah Shit! I have to get up early!!"
I ran into my dorm and i was a little bit wet, not that much, good thing i wont catch a cold.. i hope.. I look forward and i see Kakashi - SLEEPING ON MY BED. "He's still here?!" I walked towards him and looked at him and realised.. He was kinda cute sleeping so i lightly smiled on accident making me want to lay down beside him.. NO- Me and Kakashi are friends.. Were both boys too..
Before my eyes he dissapeared
"A clone!!??" WHY IS THERE A CLONE!
Kakashi suddenly came behind me, i had no time to react and he pushed me on the bed, i fell flat on my stomach, He turned me around and i saw him untop of me aiming a Kunai at me.
"Kakashi!? What was that about!?"
"Don't let your guard down.. Obito." He said smiling
"Okay! Just get that Kunai away from me!.. And get off!" I yelled
"Oh.. Right" he said throwing the Kunai across my room
"What" he said
"Maybe get off?."
"Oh.. "
"Dude cut it out, i get it i should'nt let my gu-" HE KISSED ME-
My eyes open widely! I wanted to stop him but.. I also didn't want to.. What is this feeling.. Im a guy! And he is a guy! This is wrong!! But.. it feels so good.. I decided to kiss him back so i did..

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