so whats going on?

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Alastors pov
I came to the conclusion something is watching me but what or who is it? Maybe it's just me I'm going to refocus on my task though I knock again this time louder and finnaly the door opens but it's still just cracked well i should tell angel breakfast is ready 'angel breakfast is ready come down stairs when your hungry' was what I managed to say but now I'm curious what has he been doing up there since 4:00 I mean that's when he woke up actually I think it was 3:00 well either way what has he been doing all day I mean I'm calling lunch breakfast because he for some reason doesn't come down stairs to eat breakfast or maybe he never has but it's kind of strange to me yes I'm worried but I also highly dislike a lot about him I mean he doesn't eat often and he only eats popsicles if he does maybe there is a mini fridge in his room? Still he is someone Charlie cares about so maybe that's why I care

Time skip brought to you by fat nuggets eating bacon and pork

It's now 12:00 I believe and angel dust finnaly came down stairs but is just sitting on the couch staring at the wall  holding what I'd call bacon but it's not it's a pig named fat nuggets and for all I know he is very attached to this pig I would go and ask if he's even awake or alive in hells terms but at least i don't smell blood because he is being still and I've never seen that and I guess he noticed that he and his pig were being stared at because he turned around and said 'whatcha starin at?' In a mocking tone and that made me slightly angry that he's first saying it mockingly but then  again when does he not so I replied with'im staring at bacon and a person who was staring at the wall!'this made him giggle because I said it In a angry tone mixed with a cheery one which sounded weird most likely but he is acting different that I have noted already I haven't heard a flirty tone just a mocking one surprisingly and now here I am thinking about if he's ever flirted with the bacon he keeps as a pet and that was only a sight I'd laugh at probably... Or even better the bacon eating bacon I now have a goal to have that pig eat bacon if it's the last thing I do or see.

Angel dusts pov
Is it obvious I was crying early eh hopefully not but hey at least he is taking to me now without disgust in his voice or as much he seems deep in thought right now and if it's possible his smile widened even more than before and he was staring down at my  little precious fat nuggets and I now have a feeling he is definitely planning something with fat nuggets or do something to him and it might be obvious I'm holding him a bit tighter and I probably look obsessed with a pig stuffed animal but hey atleast i can protect my fat nuggets and if something does happen to him I will slap alastor to his second death oop did it again I now am on the ceiling laughing because he dare call fat nuggets bacon and I still am holding fat nuggets with one set of arms while the other is just there and now he looks confuses on where I went because he hears the laughing but bosent see the cause of it which is right above him still laughing like crazy and then he has the idea to say a dad joke which has me laughing even more 'so ya evolved inta dad jokes ay strawberry?' I asked jokingly through all of my giggling on the ceiling now staring at him with determination to see him with fat nuggets on his head and I seen his questioning stare on how I'm on the ceiling now not laughing but staring him dead in the eyes through his little strawberry soul but now I wonder how stupid would this little strawberry look in a tutu I now wish to see that if my life depends on it I'm glad I came down stairs today  because I  get to talk to someone for today or a bit so we are now asking husk 'have ya Eva been sober?' Trying to find out if that's his phobia because if it is I will steal all of the alcoholic drinks and hide them in the garden but when is he not at the bar? Eh I'll find out sooner or later maybe today will be a good day at least maybe he likes me back hopefully but I'm never going to admit I like alastor till my second death exactly well maybe earlier but what's the harm in it I'm now heading back to my room to put fat nuggets up and lock my door

Time skip brought by unicorn sparkle ice cream and nummy blood

I now am back down stairs only to see cherri and molly Both standing at the door of the hotel getting inspected by vaggie who only knows who cherri is this will be hard to explain and I seen mollies eyes light up when she saw me and she tapped cherri and pointed at me which confused me but then I remembered that they are staying here for 2 or more weeks and Molly and cherri ran torwards me and hugged me which surprised me

Alastors pov
There is 2 demons in the lobby I've heard of 1 but not the other I know ones name is cherri the other looks like a female angel dust but looks Somewhat nicer than him but what I'm confused about is how similar yet different the 3 look they all have something distinct about them you notice immediately for me the cherri girl has one eye like niffty but is taller like Charlie with a reddish blonde hair that has the top half in a pony tail and red freckles the other girl has white and pink hair and it is in a heart shaped pony tail and she has a outfit less revealing than angel and cherri I believe her name is but is still a spider like angel and angel has the Mitch matched eyes and pink marks randomly everywhere it seems and what I think is extra eyes is on his and the other spiders face but it adds to how they are unique in hell the 2 girls stared at me now in a curious look probably meaning why I'm here in this establishment and spider girl pointed at me and said 'why is he here?' To which I answered 'because I was bored and decided to help at this establishment dear.'to which she laughed and called me strawbambi and angel said 'Ay that's my nickname for em copyier!' I seen these words as both a compliment and offensive then I remembered my new goal cannibal pig and I realized he remembered something to and he walked up to me and introduced them and me and I seen Molly stare me dead in the eyes and mumble what sounded like 'I'll be fine if you married my brother.' And angel just screeched 'WHAT THE FUCK!?!'in a alarmed manner and was blushing a lot like I mean he was redder than my coat in his facial area and I just started laughing till I realized she was still staring at me and I heard her say 'can me and cherri give you a makeover?' And I agreed being the idiot I am only to end up in a tutu with a stuffed animal on my head and my hair somehow put in a bun along with pink lipstick all over my face and I should also say I look like a creature out of angels closet most likely because I had on all the makeup you would ever see in a makeup aisle at a store and should I say I looked also looked like I was out of a movie trying to be scary that was about pink cats in tutus yes I looked like a failure compared to my reputation and I could already hear the others all laughing at how stupid I look.

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