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"Dr.Nelson we need your help we have a shot victim and he is losing a lot of blood",nurse Jackie said running to the front of the hospital.

I ran behind her going towards the patient.

"I NEED 40 ccs OF OXYGEN AND PLEASE KEEP IT COMING WE CANT LOSE A PATIENT NOT ON MY WATCH", I yelled wheeling the victim to our surgery room.
I checked his records 'Alexander Wright, 24, 6'8, 200lbs' I looked over at him scanning his unconscious body. Hmm must be all muscle.
After looking at him and his charts I set up for this long awaited surgery......
After 6 hours I have successfully removed 7 bullets. Two in his shoulder, one in his back, one in his hip, two in his thigh, and one in his chest.
He definitely has god on his side. He's still unconscious and he'll be like that for a couple days. I keep staring at him I don't know what it is but I have this pull towards him. I just want him to be safe and I don't even know him. I shake the thought out my head and checked the waiting room for any family of his.
"Family of Alexander Wright", I say looking around.
A short middle age lady with a baby sleep on her shoulder came up to me.
"Yes, I am his mother Gloria", she said in a small shaky voice.
"Your son is very lucky he's unconscious as of now but he'll wake up any minute now. I removed all the bullets successfully"I said while I smiled softy rubbing her shoulder.
She bust out in tears grabbing and hugging me.
She startled me I didn't know what to do but hug her back.
"Thank you so much him and my grandson are all I have", she said hugging me tighter
My heart swells for her I know how it is not having any family
"You are welcome ma'am, you can go in and see him. He'll be out for a couple days", I said smiling softly at her
"Okay and call me Gloria, I feel like I'll be seeing more of you", she smiled at me walking away
Hmm okay that was weird but anyways my shift is almost over
I go in the staff room seeing Simone and Island the only people I fuck with her
"Heyyy bitch I heard you did a surgery on some fine ass man", Simone said smiling at me
"Yeah he fine asl I went past his room",Island said
I rolled my eyes at both of them "yall so nosy and mess", I chuckle
"She ain't deny he fine asl", island said laughing
"Anywaaayysss leave me patient alone I'm going home" I said getting up collecting my things out of my locker
"Ugh I got another two hours see you later boo we going out tomorrow so be ready at 9",Simone said hugging me
"Bye babes", I said hugging her back giving Island a hug.
I stopped in to check on my patients one more time before heading out.
I stopped at Mr.Wrights room last and was shocked to my core.......

Hey guyyysss this a little one two chapter to start is off next chapter will be way longer and more interesting
*not edit*

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