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A- Allie already ate apples
B- Bret bought bread
C- Coco cried cause she had school (mood)
D- Dogs dig deep into the ground
E- Ethan eats everything
F- Franklin fainted playing football
G- Grass grows on the ground
H- Hayley has her new car
I- Izzy is eating ice cream
J- Jessica just jumped
K- Kathy kicked Kayla's ball
L- Landon likes Layla
M- Mom missed me
N- Nathan's new school was nothing like his old one
O- Olivia opened her book
P- People play Put-put
Q- Quincy quit the game
R- Riley really liked to read
S- Sally saw Susie somewhere
T- Taylor threw tantrums
U- Unicorns under the umbrella
V- Vixen has a new van
W- Wesley was weird
X- Xena had an xray
Y- Yellow Yo-yos everywhere
Z- Zearf took Zoey to the zoo
That was weird

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