A long trip

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Draco's POV:
The men Dragged me Blaise and pansy into the hall were we were ment the with the tariffed faces of Harry Potter,Ron Weasley, Hermione granger,Ginny Weasley,And Luna Lovegood. "potter!?" I whisper out.
"Hay Malfoy.."he whispers back. I can tell he's holding back tears....
Ginnys POV:they dragged me Harry my brother Mionie Luna and the Slytherins out into the cold and threw us into the back of a weird black van,I guess they casted a spell on us cuz none of us could get any words out no matter how hard Hermione tried to scream.
-time skip brought to u by Luna's smile!-
Draco's POV:
It had been around three hours sense we were dragged from the place we had come to know as home and thrown into a van. Hermione was silently crying as pansy held her, Ron and Blaise were cuddling as were Luna and Ginny..though as much as I liked Harry I wasn't going to get close to him..I had a plan....

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