journal entry 4

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Entry #4: Marakanda, September 23, 200, Afternoon

We crossed the mountains. We also reached Marakanda and I notice something. Everything is horribly overpriced, and there is a huge wall. Now, I run. When they are resupplying I run. However Lee Wang notices and follows me then the bandits see me and follow me, I am so screwed. I run into an alleyway and take care of the bandits then Lee Wang appears. This is awkward. He asks if I am okay and sees the bandits. He asked how I did it. Well, I guess I have to tell him.

"I am a Han official," I said (I also have a formal martial arts training). Then he says he is too. Then I remember the name. His code name specifically. Lee wang. So I have seen him before, that's why he looks familiar. So we both have the same mission. To get to Rome and get past the Parthians. So I decided to travel with him. Well then, we have to stay low. Little did we notice the person listing to us to warn the Parthians....

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