Out And About

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 My star wars alarm clock starts beeping, I hit the snooze button. "fucking hell, just five more minutes please" I mumble into my pillow. I stretch my body and a silent screech leaves my body. I sit up in my bed and reach over to my phone to check my notifications. "Babygörl sent you a snap", I press the notification and to see what she sent. The message says "love you", I reply, "love you too". I put my phone aside and stand up to put some clothes on. I grab my nicest smelling perfume and spray myself with it and then I open my drawer and grab Green camo cargopants, my new black Metallica shirt and a pair of black socks, "This'll do" I say to myself. I make my way to the bathroom to take brush my teeth and to fix my mullet a bit. While making my way back to my room I grab my medicine and a piece of bread next to the tablets. I plop down in my black sofa and start chatting with Babygörl aka my fiancé on snapchat. She's in school at the moment as usual while I'm home because my school is closed thanks to this new virus. I sit in my sofa and wait, waiting to go to my fiancé on her brake at school. 


It's almost time to drive to her. I get up from my sofa after playing my favorite videogame at the moment 'Far Cry 5', I need to do something to make time go by a bit faster so why not play videogames. I exit my dark room and make my way down the stairs. I swing by the kitchen before leaving but nothing intresting here as usual so I grab my jacket and tie my shoes. Upon opening the front door I was met by a cold wind, "I fucking hate sweden" I say angrily and lock the door behind me. I walk out to the garage and open the door and unlock my blu and white peugeot moped, "damn you're ugly" I say while putting on my helmet. I roll it out and start the ignition and drive off to my fiancé's school. It's cold, colder than I thought but that doesn't stop me from meeting the prettiest girl on the planet, it's not that long of a drive anyways.


On my way home now. It felt good meeting her again and giving her hugs and kisses, it always does. We talked about just fun stuff and went and bought a drink each.  "Just as fucking cold as when I drove out huh" I said to myself, "fuck you sweden you green bastard" I yelled. The ride home was spent thinking about her and how much I miss her even though we just hungout.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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