Trouble Miss

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As requested, a fanfic of our very loved teacher <3


Third Person POV

It was G block and way early. Student's were zombies on autopilot in their seats and Mrs. G's lectures with being processed like another straight C- student would - words going through one ear and out the other. Y/N rested her head on her desk, staring into the abyss, organizing her nonexistent thoughts onto the page she was suppose to be taking her english notes on. Her mind was elsewhere, but so was everyone else's - it was too easy for proper thinking.

" Y/N come to the office, Y/N come to the office" The speaker blared.

Within a snap, all eyes were on Y/N. Some thinking Y/N was lucky to be leaving class early, others ooing for the lolz.

"Ooo~ your in trouble"

Y/N tightened her blond, messy bun; she'd rather be out roaming the halls than sitting in class taking notes. Don't take it the wrong way, Mrs. G was one of the best teachers on campus but sleep was calling all this early in the morning - especially on a Friday.

Y/N jiggled her tight ass in her Lululemon leggings to the office. It wasn't far, right around the corner but the moment Y/N entered, Mr. B's eyes of disapproval were all on her. Her tongue caught in her throat and this unfamiliar tension spreaded thick all around.

"um-" she was cut off short.

"Would you mind coming down to my office, with me? It seems like we need to discuss what the school's policies are at this school because you obviously don't understand them." The way he said it was more of a demand than a question, a demand that liquidated juicy wattpad dominance. A dominance Y/N wouldn't dare to question. Y/N's hands fidgeted with the yellow scrunchy on her wrists and Y/N bit her juicy red lip in hopes to suppress any anime sound. No words, not even a sound could come from her Glossier, moisturized lips. Y/N simply nodded, nothing more than that and followed Mr. B out the office. For all she knew, she was in trouble, big trouble and it didn't seems like there was anyway Y/N was getting out of this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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