A Series of Unfortunate Events

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"Alexa, set the temperature to 70 degrees," Portia says.
"Okay," replies Alexa with a cold, robotic tone. Portia would finally be able to warm up from the cold winter months. To Portia's surprise, Ellen DeGeneres pops up from behind and says:
"Alexa, set the temperature to 64 degrees." Alexa responds again,
"Okay," with the same cold tone. Portia rolls her eyes.
"Alexa," she says is a more burdened tone, "set the temperature to 70 degrees."
A look of horror and dread rushes Portia's face as she whips around and grabs Ellen by the shoulders.
Ellen tries to apologize. She tries to move. She tries to think, but it is too late. Alexa set the room temperature to 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit and both Ellen and Portia go into anaphylactic shock. Neither of them can move as the searing hot air around them burns their skin, blackening them instantly, melting their eyes, burning their hair. A gas pipe explodes under the house and all that could be recovered from the wreckage resembling a corpse were seared bones.

Ellen and Portia Change the ThermostatWhere stories live. Discover now