a REAL kitchen nightmare

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220 pounds of solid hunk, 50 years of experience in the kitchen, still alive and not in jail or a mental asylum, the miracle Raj...

He was driving Boris crazy.

Raj was breathing heavily, like an asthmatic, and beads of sweat rolled down his face right into the stack of garnishes he was preparing. Boris peeled his eyes away. He needed to focus.

"Gosh, it's getting hot in here, huh!" He exclaimed, chopping something furiously.

"You know, when I get like that, I've got a strategy." Boris turned to face Raj, though he didn't dare make eye contact. "Yeah, I'll show you."

He put his thumb to his lips and licked off some sauce. Oh boy. As Raj approached him, the floor seemed to shake. He slammed his hand behind Boris. He shut his eyes, nervously biting his lip in anticipation. Was this really happening?!

"Uhh, sorry, you're kinda in the way."


Boris stepped aside, allowing Raj to open the freezer door. Raj gave Boris a confident look, then demonstrated his secret relaxation technique; sticking his head in the freezer. After a few minutes, he pulled away and gestured for Boris to try. He leaned into the freezer. Boris wondered how cold Raj's skin must have been. He imagined caressing his cheek...gently pulling him in...

The freezer door slammed shut.

"I'll start on the main course soon."

raj x borisWhere stories live. Discover now