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It was the year 2020 and a middle school 8th-grade class was taking a tour through the city's plastic factory when a horrible tragedy takes place. Killing all students and teachers but one. This tragedy all started with a man running through the factory to get to his work station because he slept in and was late for work. He ran on and on. Meanwhile in the boiler room where they threw plastic into a big metal bowl of extremely hot liquid so it would be melted and used to create more plastic products. It was around Halloween so the factory's most produced product was the plastic skeletons widely sold throughout most stores. This was where the 8th-grade class was touring at the moment. One kid was being the class clown and he was standing on the railing that protected people from falling into the boiler and was pretending to fall in, "Look at me Mrs. Dutchmen Im going to fall... Ahhhh... Hahaha," he snickered. "Get down from there Peter! You could fall!" replied Mrs. Dutchmen, aggravated by his foolishness. As she went to grab him the man came running in between them pushing Mrs. Dutchmen out of the way and nocking Peter off the railing and into the boiler. He screamed and grabbed onto the railing with one hand in tears slowly slipping. "PETER!" the whole class and Mrs. Dutchmen screamed.

The man stopped and backed up against the wall watching as the class failed to help the boy up out of the boiler. The boy lost his grip and fell in. The class watched in horror as the boy screamed in pain as his skin and flesh was quickly being burnt into nothing only to leave a skeleton. The entire class broke into tears because they just watched a fellow classmate die right before their eyes. Mrs. Dutchmen lost it and started screaming at the top of her lungs at the man. "LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" she screamed "YOU JUST KILLED A CHILD! WHAT KIND OF FOOLISH IDIOT ARE YOU!? RUNNING THROUGH A FACTORY LIKE THAT, IT'S NOT SAFE! LOOK AT WHAT YOUR ACTIONS CAUSED!" she finished "That... that... That was my child...." she fell on her knees and broke out crying the whole class came and sat beside her trying to comfort her. The man covered his ears "No... No... NO NO NO NO! AHHHHHHHHH" he screamed and ran off with his ears covered screaming "NO" over and over again. The whole factory gathered in sorrow for the loss of the teacher's son.

While this whole scene was taking place every one failed to notice that the skeleton of the young boy, Peter was melted and mixed with the plastic. What remained of the boy's skeleton was poured into a mold of a plastic skeleton and the parts of the skeleton that were missing were filled in with plastic and as the skeleton was being solidified, something in the toxins in both the plastic and the heat used to solidify the plastic caused Peter to become sentient. His thoughts were screaming in pain, fear, confusion, anger and the strongest feeling of all was revenge. He tried to move but he couldn't all he could do at the moment was, think. Then as he was moving through the dresser the machine overpowered and sent a volt of power through him giving him life but not only did this volt give him life, it caused a chemical reaction with the toxins that made him sentient. This reaction caused his bones and the plastic within his bones to expand. He grew and grew.

Everyone in the factory was being killed do to, machine explosions, falling objects, and other things caused by his growing. Then as he grew he stopped for a second still growing but much slower now. He stopped because he saw his mother. Frightened by the creature's appearance she screamed not knowing the creature was Peter. He grabbed her and continued growing much faster now. He grew so big he destroyed the roof of the factory and he grew bigger still with his screaming mother in his skinless, fleshless bone hand. The growth stopped once he became as big as the biggest skyscraper in the city. He looked at his mother and cackled like a hyena that was also a witch. "Look mother" He cackled his voice high, crackly, and scratchy "Look at what I've become. Do I not please your eyes?". "You are not my son you're... You're... YOU'RE A MONSTER!" Mrs. Dutchmen replied. "A... A... A Monster?" He said ending in an evil cackle. "YOU ARE THE REAL MONSTER, MOTHER! YOU LET ME FALL! IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M THIS "MONSTER". NOW IT'S PAYBACK TIME AND THIS ENTIRE WORLD WILL SUFFER!" he screamed lifting his mother above his mouth, he dropped her and chomped down with his jaws crushing her in between his teeth leaving stained with blood. "Mmmmmmm... I like the crunch. It adds more flavor" he cackled as he said it aloud.

The entire city saw it, a giant skeleton walking towards the city. Yet this was no normal skeleton, this skeleton was dressed in a ripped clown outfit. On both sides of his skull was red curly hair. Around his neck a red fabric color that laid on his shoulders and reached the uppermost part of his chest and spine. His shirt ripped in shreds at the beginning of his ribs. The right side of the shirt was white with red polka dots the sleeve being yellow. On the left side of, it was yellow with a white sleeve with red polka dots on it. The yellow sleeve being ripped shorter than the white sleeve with red polka dots on it. His pants being yellow on the right side and white with red polka dots on the left. The right side ripped in shreds at his knee the left side just barely reaching the center of the bone at the top of his leg. His bones slightly burnt from the explosion of the factory. "I'm coming city. You better watch out and you most definitely shall cry. Cause I'm coming to town." he shouted loudly so the entire city could hear.

Chapter 1 coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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