Chapter 5 - Green Paint

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Evening. Chapter 5 is served. Enjoy Madame or Monsieur! Bon appétit!


The next day was uneventful. Nothing good or bad happened, and Katie hoped the next day would be the same. All was the same, expect for Art.

I made my way to the art room, where half of the class had already arrived (including Alfie). They were all standing up at the back, with Miss Evans stood behind her desk. She was holding a piece of paper in her hands. It was a seating plan. In my situation, I was glad there was one. I didn't want to sit by myself. But in everyone else's eyes, it was the untouched image of hell.

The rest of the class arrived and the teacher pointed us to our seats. Miss Evans had put me with Laura. She had very light brown hair, close to golden. She was also quite short. But, on the rest of my table, there was Harry. A boy equivalent of me. Phil, a friend of Harry. Then, there was also Chloe and Michelle. Out of all the people in the class, I had to be on same table as my bullies. "These will be your seats for the rest of the year." Brilliant. "In today's lesson, you all will be making famous buildings out of scrunched up newspaper and plaster-of-paris."

A few minutes later, I had layed out newspaper to cover the table, got several sheets of newspaper and two pairs of scissors. Laura had picked up a giant roll of plaster-of-paris, paint brushes and a paint pallet. We sat down and scrunched up bits of newspaper to make the base of our building, I had never talked to Laura, only seen her around.

"What building are we even making?"She asked me.

"I don't know..."

"Let's do an easy one."

I already liked this girl just from that last comment.

"Empire state building? Big Ben?"

"Let's do Big Ben."

"Okay." she replied. We carried on scrunching the newspaper until Michelle interrupted us.

"Really? out of all the buildings, you chose that?"

"Well, what are you doing?" Laura said back.

"We're doing the Statue of Literally." Michelle said with confidence. Really? I said in my head. Could someone be that dumb? Apparently so because Chloe didn't spot the mistake.

"Don't you mean 'Liberty'? Statue of Liberty." I said to her.

"NO! I don't, because I'm not a dumb piece of sh-"

"Girls." Miss Evans walked up to our table looking at what we had done. "How are we doing?"

"Great, nearly ready to start constructing."Laura said.

"Good" She walked away to talk to another table, while Michelle gave me an evil look.

When we had finished sticking our tower up with sticky tape, we were ready to start with our plaster-of-paris. We cut up strips and put them into one big pile.

"Remember class" Miss Evans started "When you come to cutting up your plaster-of-paris, do not throw the left over powder at someone. Just leave it on your table and whatever you do, DON'T breathe it in because when this stuff comes into contact with water, it goes hard and is difficult to get out. So don't breathe it in, or you'll go hard." Miss had said that last sentence wrong, because all the boys were wanting to 'go hard'. A while later, when the teacher was out of the room, Sam shouted: "NO ALFIE, NO! YOU'LL GO HARD!" We all turned around and saw Alfie holding a small amount of the plaster-of-paris powder in his hand and pretending to lick it. "I want to go hard, Sam. I've never done it before." Nothing more than some mucking around I thought to myself. When I turned back round, I found our huge pile of cut up pile of plaster-of-paris gone. I tapped Laura on her shoulder and she turned back around. I pointed to the missing pile and she had a horrified look on her face. "Where's it gone?!" she questioned.

I then pointed at Chloe and Michelle who suddenly had a massive pile of plaster-of-paris. When they turned around I took it back, not caring what they would say.

We had had covered most of the building in plaster-of-paris, and it was looking great. Chloe and Michelle's on the other hand, wasn't looking so good. The Statue of 'Literally' did not resemble anything. Maybe a turd? They were proud of their turd because they were showing it off to Sam and Alfie. Phil and Harry had done Buckingham Place and it was pretty good.

"Right, time to start painting!" Michelle said, rubbing her hands together. She got up and filled a paint pallet with green paint. This is where stuff happened. As Michelle walked back to the table she 'tripped' right behind me and got bright green paint onto my black hair. Laura and Michelle gasped in shock with a hand over their mouths.

"What is it?" I asked stupidly. Laura pointed to the back of my head and I put my hand on my hair. I got a handful of green paint on my hands and looked at Michelle. She was a good actress. She also had an innocent face to make it even more hard to believe. Green droplets fell off the ends of my hair while Miss Evans walked towards us. I wanted to shout. I wanted to swear. I wanted to take Michelle by the wrist and throw her out of the window, pull long her hair out, dip it into every colour of paint and make her eat it, I was that mad.

"What ha-" Miss Evans stopped in her tracks and saw the paint all over me.

"Katie go to the sink and wash yourself up."

I carefully walked over to the sink, not knowing how to clean myself up. I wet my hands and there was so much green in my hair, I had to gather up my hair and squeeze out the paint. It was disgusting, and it even made me feel sick. I then finger combed it with my wet hands. After I could do my best on it, there was no way i could wash my hair at school, so I badly put my hair up in a bun, hiding the green bits. I was furious with Michelle and wanted her get out of my life. I personally think that she also has a crush on Alfie. I hated the idea of such a sweet boy dating a bitch like Michelle. But I wasn't sure I liked him anymore. He didn't seem very happy when we all went out. And he seems happy in Michelle's company. Maybe he wasn't for me.


I was kinda rushed in the lasted sentence, but I hoped you enjoyed it! took almost 4 HOURS!! I don't even know why?!?

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