B r O ~dies~

55 8 28


FOLKS ~clap~

this took me

f i v e a n d a h a l f h o u r s

for someone who's, ya know, good at art, and actually doesn't draw fast like me and puts actual talent and effort into things they do ever so unlike me, that's probably a short time honestly

but for me, thats a heccing lot of timmmmeee

so this lil sh-- that took me all my afternoon after school, looks pretty good honestly (but obviously a lot of ppl could do so mush better)

but let




i saw a pose drawn on pinterest it was a guy siting in a chair that said king n ya, n i was like, omg yes T O R D n remembered i have seen a drawing like that but Tord was sitting in his crashed n burned or whatever robot's head

so obviously, i chose to do that cuz I'm uncreative

are you ready for hell itself?



i forgot a crap ton of shading on the actual robot head but who gives a fricc

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i forgot a crap ton of shading on the actual robot head but who gives a fricc

haha what are proportions???

I have no clue

welp, im gonna go cry now, thanks



i forgot to tell y'all nuggets i, oops, made a deviant art acc ;v;

it's @Krxps if you wanna see it ~finger guns~

I've posted one thing so far (it's this drawing) but um i mean, stick around n ill post t h i n g s ??

ok ill leave ye nuggers alone now

bubye x2

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