For Clove; A Clato FanFiction (Hunger Games)

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A/N; Please don't judge me if you ship Glato, or if you don't ship Clato or Glato. Hi to all of my friends (Shannon, Jo, Izzy and Maria) :)

Clove's POV

I run towards the Cornucopia before Cato can object, sprinting as fast as I can to make sure he can't follow me. That District 12 girl wants Cato dead. I'm not having that. I have to go home with him. I'm not going home without him.

As I get to the Cornucopia, I see her run to her district's bag, and I know it's now or never. I run towards her and push her to the ground. For a while, we bicker about that Rue girl, the one Marvel killed. I try to kill the murderer, but just as my knife reaches her I am lifted into the air by the boy from 11, who I think is called Thresh. He thinks I killed Rue, and threatens to kill me. That's when I see the rock in his hand, about the size of a small loaf of bread.

"CATO!" I screech, knowing that the rock was about to crash into my head.

"CLOVE!" I hear Cato's voice, but I know he's to far away to save me. I scream his name one more time before the rock smashes into my head.

Cato's POV

I watch Thresh hit Clove with the rock. I see the dent it's made in her head, and I know she won't survive.

I reach her as she collapses to the ground. Thresh and Katniss have run off.

"Clove..." I say, my voice thick. I take her hand in mine. "Clove, sweetheart, can you hear me?"

"Cato? Is that you?" She whispers.

"Yes, it's me." The first tear runs down my cheek before I can stop it. "I love you."

"I... I love you... t... too..." I know her time is running out. Soon I won't hear her voice.

"I'm sorry I didn't come in time."

"Don't blame yourself... I'm sorry Cato..." her breathing becomes shallow. "I cant... hold on... anymore..."

"No! Stay with me Clove. Please. We have to go home together. STAY WITH ME!" I sob as she falls limp. She closes her eyes and her breathing stops. "No..." I bend down to kiss her cheek, and I push some of her hair over the dent so it looks like she's sleeping. I just can't believe she's gone. It hurts too much.


Clove's death haunts me tonight. Everytime I close my eyes, I see it. I can't sleep, and I can't hold her close to me to comfort me.

I don't want to win these Games. But I do want to make one more kill before I die.

I am going to kill Thresh. For Clove.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2012 ⏰

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