He has cancer, Stan!

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Give the boys a damn break! part 2

damn! this was supposed to be a short one...oops!

Stan never got to reconnect with his parents. He moved in with Bill at 18, when they both left for collage. They both grew up to have amazing jobs. On then 10th anniversary, Stan proposed to Bill. They got married at 25 and adopted their first child, Cynthia, at 27. when Cynthia was 7, they adopted Georgie. He was a small and quiet little boy most of the times, but Lord help the poor couple when the baby got angry or bored. He'd scream for hours. 

It was Saturday afternoon, which meant the family was going grocery shopping. Stanley was driving, like always, when he got a call from his boss. Mr. Louis wanted him to work some extra hours on Monday. Stan was a little upset, but Bill told him that " That was a problem for another day".  They got to the store, strapped the kids out of their little car chairs and went inside. 

The second they got there, Cynthia was already begging Daddy Bill to get her sweets. Bill looked at Stan, asking for permission and Stan nodded. With that, Cynthia led  Bill to the candy aisle.  Stan carried little Georgie in his stroller and headed for the dairy aisle. He was looking at milk, when Georgie started whimpering. From previous incidents, Stan knew he had to pick the boy up before his whimpers turned to screams, or else the baby would become uncontrollable. Stan started pacing around the aisle with Georgie in his arms and singing ABBA to him. In the corner of his eye, Stan caught a glimpse of a woman, watching him sing to his son.  Stan turned around, to look at the person. There, at the other end of the aisle, was an old woman. She had a hat with a flower pattern covering her dark brown hair. Her hair was neatly combed and Stanley guessed that the hat was covering some of the grey hairs. The woman's eyes were light brown and teary. She was wearing a knee-length dress, matching her hat. It took him a moment to remember that worried gaze. It's been over 20 years, but he remembered those lost eyes.

" Stanley?" the woman asked in a shaky voice. He felt a hand on his shoulder, the hand of his beloved husband, waking him up from his memories. Stan passed Georgie to Bill, without saying a word. He ran to the woman and hugged her. Andrea was more that happy to hold her son again. They were both crying and trying to form a sentence, but their tears spoke loud enough. 

Stan brought his mom to Bill, who was happy to give his mother-in law a hug. When they pulled away, Andrea gave Bill a look and mouthed 4 words to him: "Help him come home". Bill wanted to help, he was always happy to be useful, but he had no idea how to do that. Stan never talked about his dad. He never brought him up after that evening. He decided there and than that he had to get Stan home. Bill gave Georgie to his grandma. Andrea looked at her grandson with so much love. Bill smiled at them and and bent down, at the level of Cynthia's eyes. Her green eyes were a little confused. 

"This, sweetheart, is your grandma. Her name is Andrea, but I think you can call her Granny. She is papa's mom. She will look after you and Georgie for a bit. I have to speak to papa, ok?" The little girl seemed a little bit confused, but she nodded her head and grabbed Andrea's hand, looking up at her new discovered grandma. Bill turned around and grabbed Stan's hand. They walked in the nearby aisle, where Bill asked his husband to go home, to his parents. Stan's sad eyes became scared in 1 second. The auburn haired man realised that his beloved had the same look he had years ago, when they faced their worst fears. Stan spoke up.

" No. Just no. No. No. No. This can't be happening. He hates me Bill. It's his fault I became the weak chicken leg I am. It's all his fault! I don't want to go! I don't want him to make us hate each other! I don't want him to ruin the kids, like he ruined me. Please, please don't make me go. Don't make me go there Bill. Please..." His voice got lost.  Bill moved faster than light to hug his loved one. He let Stan cry in his shoulder, for what seemed like hours. They didn't care about all the people passing them by and giving them disgusted looks. Derry will always be Derry. People will always be stuck up. Bill learned to not care about what others said when they saw him and Stan. He loved his husband with all his heart and nothing could change that. Bill decided it was time to speak his mind on the family matter.

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