Starstruck 2/2

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Fixing her denim jacket Y/N checked her phone one last time before the interview started. Gwilym watched her carefully just off screen, he still didn't understand what she saw in him even after months of dating. Even now it felt unreal that a girl this amazing and talented would want him out of anybody in the world. "Gwilym you're staring and I know for a fact your poor Mother taught you some manners." The welsh girl cheekily stated still not looking up from her phone. Chuckling Gwilym walked over to the woman hands up in defence. "To be fair she never warned me that someone could be as beautiful as you are." Looking up at the man Y/N pulled a face "Ew Gwil that's so cheesy." Shrugging Gwilym handed her the tea he'd gotten from the makeshift coffee table. "Diolch" she thanked him kissing him lovingly on the cheek.

"Y/N I see that you've decided to pay homage to Chrissie Mullen who you portray in Bohemian Rhapsody" Ali stated as he settled down to ask the four cast mates some fun questions during their press tour for the sensational new biopic. The young woman smiled sweetly at the man a red hue delicately coating her cheeks "It's so lovely that people think that but I'll be honest with you it's just the vibe i'm feeling today." After working together for so many months all three men were used to the girls chop and change attitude when it came to her wardrobe. Smiling in response Ali began explaining how he hoped the interview would go, due to him being BBC Radio 1's Film Critic he was well aware that during a press tour hearing the same questions over and over got annoying. But of course Gwil sweet sweet gentle Gwil decided to make it more fun they should try and answer for each other. "WOAH WOAH WOAH!!" Joe protested pointing at the two welsh actors currently cuddling at the end of the sofa "That's totally not fair these two know each other very well that practically cheating!" Smirking Gwil just raised an eyebrow "Scared Mazzello?" Joe just sighed dramatically before finally settling down. "Okay let's give it a go. What is your favourite Queen song?" without hesitation Rami answered "Somebody to Love - all of us" sounds of agreement tumbled from Joe and Gwilym's lips. Sighing theatrically Y/N shrugged "Damn I feel left out now personally my favourite Queen song is Love Of My Life. All of Queens songs are beautiful but there's just something hauntingly perfect about that one." Hugging the girl tightly Gwil played along "WHAT!? Y/N how could you keep this from me." giggling the y/h/c girl apologised.

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