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There was one restaurant in the hotel and one next door. As Hayden and Sara went to the one in the hotel, I snuck into my fancy blue dress and ran to the hotel next door, with my hair covering the left side of my face so that my friends wouldn't know I was me.
The restaurant was extremely beautiful. The white tablecloths were just a detail.
"Hey Nash!" I said as I saw him push open the brown doors. "Hey, beautiful!" He said with his face red as a tomato, so he probably just blurted it out.
The waitress asked us for a table, and knowing how witty Nash is, he replied with "Nah, I would like 2 pillows, please." The waitress and I laughed as Nash stood there seriously, but I saw his smile.
The waitress gave us a window seat, and of course, Hayden and Sara had a window seat next door also. I set up a wall of menus and napkins on our table. "What's this for?" Nash asked laughing. I saw the waitress walking over and she looked at the wall of menus weirdly. I knocked it over, held one up by my face, and said "Hi! We'd like two waters please." The waitress gave a smirk at Nash and said "Okay..." then hopped along the rest of the tables. "Seriously, what is this for?" Nash said, laughing and setting up the menus again. I sighed.
"My friends Hayden and Sara, see them? Both wearing gray? I told them I stayed in the hotel because they would get jealous if I told them I was here, so now we don't have to worry." I said with a smile. "And also because this place has speedy service." Nash laughed. "Well I glad we get to spend time together." He said. "Me too."
A few hours passed, and I'm not sure why Hayden and Sara were there after they finished paying 45 minutes ago, but I stayed in my seat.
***Hayden and Sara***
"You know, I hope Nash and Caroline don't like each other. That would cause drama in the fandom and in our friendship." Hayden said, trying to be polite. "Me too. Plus, he's mine." Sara said with a laugh.
She looked out the window to see two heads behind a wall of menus. "Hey, those hair styles kinda look like Nash and Caroline!" "Woah they do!" "Oh wait..."
***Nash and Caroline**
'I think I need to go now, I'm worried Sara and Hayden are going to get there before I am!"I said kindly. I looked to my left to see Sara and Hayden staring back. "Ok I really have to go! See you tomorrow Nash!" "But Caroline I love-" I cut Nash off with the slam of the door. I took my heels and my jewelry off while running to the hotel. Luckily, Hayden and Sara were no where to be seen behind me.
Once I got to the room, I stuffed the dress in my suitcase, rubbed off my makeup with the towel I used earlier and threw on some leggings with my "I Love New York" t-shirt. I grabbed my computer and turned on the first movie that popped up on netflix, then grabbed the skittles.
Hayden and Sara walked in. "So how was your netflix night? Where you stayed in the room, without nash, alone , eating skittles and not steak from the restaurant next door?" Sara said with a smirk. I knew that she saw me, so I went along with the original plan. "Yea, it was fun. But it's late and I'm tired, let's go to bed for the big day tomorrow." "Okayyyy..." Hayden replied.

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