Chapter Four: Squilliam returns

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Another day, another slow workday.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. I'm done with my shift Mr Krabs," I told him, "and let me just say, there will come a day when I will make something of my life and I will never have to set foot in this grease trap again!"

"Yeah, we'll see you after your lunch break, Squidward," Mr Krabs said uninterested.

"Okay," I said walking out of the Krusty Krab with (Y/N) since we both have lunch at the same place.

As we walked down the street, I noticed Squilliam and his friends walking toward us. The last time I saw him was when I told him I had a band to play at the Bubble Bowl when I knew I didn't. (Y/N) wasn't in Bikini Bottom at the time so she's never met him. Either way, I don't want to face him today! And I certainly don't want him seeing me in my Krusty Krab uniform! He'll tease me for it just like in High School! I took off my hat and put it in a nearby trash can.

 Either way, I don't want to face him today! And I certainly don't want him seeing me in my Krusty Krab uniform! He'll tease me for it just like in High School! I took off my hat and put it in a nearby trash can

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"On your lunch break, eh, Squiddy?" Squilliam asked teasingly.

'Squiddy?' (Y/N) questioned.

"Yes... I mean no... I mean... uhh, uhh..." I stuttered like an idiot, "Hey, whatcha been up to?"

"Oh, just succeeding in everything you've failed in," Squilliam bragged before turning his attention to (Y/N), "and who, may I ask, are you, my dear?"

"Her name is (Y/N) and you are in no shakes Squilliam Fancyson," I told him, "anyone can be a big shot in a hick town like Bikini Bottom."

"Oh, is that so? Let's hear what you've accomplished since high school, Squiddy."

'Don't be intimidated, Squidward. Try to imagine him in his underwear,' Well, I did, 'oh, no, he's hot!'

"I'm, uhh, in... food service," I told him.

"Hold it, don't tell me. You're a cashier," Squilliam said laughing with his group of friends.

'Don't lie. Lying always makes it worse,' I told myself.

"I own a five-star restaurant!" I told him.

Squilliam and everyone else gasped, "Squidward, I had no idea you were such a success."

"That's right."

"And I would be honored if you would allow me to come to your restaurant tonight."

I felt the color drain from my face, "t-t-t-t-t-t-tonight?"

"In fact, we'll all come," he turned to his friends, "my treat!"

Squilliam walked off with his friends and I started to panic.

"Oh, no, no, no! What am I going to do (Y/N)?" I asked, "I have no restaurant and when they see that I actually don't have one, they'll see I'm just a phoney and a loser!"

Squidward's Silent Love (Squidward X Silent! Reader (Broadway version))Where stories live. Discover now