Long Hair

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Michael Myers

-When Michael first noticed your long hair, he didn't really pay that much attention to it.
-It wasn't until you were blow drying your hair that he was mesmerized by it.
-You slowly started to notice him running his fingers through it.
-It got to the point where he'd help you wash it.
-It was one of the only times you seen Michael not look so intimidating.
-Then, he'll help blow dry your hair.
-That was his favorite.
-He'll have a brush in one hand, blow dryer in the other, having a blast.
-He'll turn the heat setting down once you hair is dry, but still continued to do it.
-He enjoys watching it blow all over the place.
-He'll then style it, where it's all in your face.
-Or standing up, like you got struck by lightning.
-He enjoys it even more, when you start laughing at his silliness.
-He loved being the cause of your laughing, but that's a story for another day.

Jason Voorhees

-With Jason, that was one of the things he had seen on you first.
-You were one of the volunteers that kept the cabins together.
-Every now and then, you'll play with the kids.
-They would braid your hair, and put little flowers in it.
-So when you two got together, he was a little hesitant about confronting you about it.
-You knew he wanted to ask because he always watch you intensely when you would braid it.
-You asked him if he knew how to braid, he shook his head no, so you taught him.
-To say that he was ecstatic, would be an understatement .
-He would braid your hair all the time, and taught himself how to french braid.
-One day, he came back with a bunch of little flowers.
-You sat down in front of him for about an hour.
-He made an veil of flowers, cascading down you hair/back.
-Eventually you put little flowers around his mask, so he wouldn't feel left out.

Bubba Sawyer

-When you first encountered Bubba, you had your hair in a bun, so he never knew you had long hair.
-It wasn't until a really hot summer day, you were outside in the grass.
-You had on some flowy clothes and you took your hair out, letting it blow in the wind.
-You didn't know Bubba was behind you, in the doorway.
-You heard him let out a "Wow" and "Pretty".
-You taught him how to make flower crowns. He made an 'wait' motion.
-He returned with some of your curlers.
-You took him back inside so he can curl your hair.
-He burned himself a few times, but he got the hang of it very quickly.
-He took a picture of you in the crown, with your curls.
-After that day, he always wanted to do your hair.
-He'd wash it, brush it, braid it, whatever you wanted him to do.
-You had a personal hairdresser now.

Freddy Krueger

-Freddy noticed your hair, but he acted as if he didn't care.
-He always teases you about cutting it all of.
-And when he asked to run his fingers through it, he holds out his blades.
-You knew he was lying about it, and that he loved your hair.
-While you sleep (actually sleep) he runs his fingers through your hair.
-When you woke up with an absolute raccoons nest on your head, you knew it was him.
-When you confronted him about it, he tried to turn the tables.
-"So the day you make a lot of hair jokes, my hair ends up like this? Coincidence, I think not!"
-After proving your argument, he was flustered that you caught on to his little secret.
-So he confessed once he knew you weren't going to teased him for it.
-Your hair was the reason he picked you to mess with.
-Before you got on good terms, he would wrap his hands around it, and pull it.
-He noticed how soft it was and instantly fell in love with it.
-He would brush it every now and then, but still tease you about cutting it.
-Until you say that your going to cut it, you see the horror on his face for a split second.
-You laugh at his reaction, but he tells you don't cut it, "I'm funning with you."
-You still wake up with wild bed hair, no matter how many times you ask him not to do it.

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