Chapter 1: Harper's Wish

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Narrator's POV:

They say when a child is born; the baby hasn't been corrupted by the evil in this world (yet). Instead, they are innocent, only capable of loving... Basically everyone who comes into sight or at least that's what they say. 

17 years ago at 11:59 pm, a baby boy by the name of Rayan was born into this world. On the same day and a few doors down in the exact same hospital, a minute later, a baby girl by the name of Harper was born.

From the outside, it all seemed like a coincidence, a random chance, but it wasn't that at all.

The Monte's, Rayon's parents, had planned out the whole thing by hiring the best doctors money could buy. The Carson's, Harper's parents, had no idea and Harper's mom continued with her pregnancy.

Why would Mr. and Mrs. Monte plan such a thing, you ask?

Well it all began in the early 1940's. Francis Monte was the only son to the wealthiest and most powerful black man in the entire south. Ask anyone during that time, and they'd tell you with no hassle who he was. 

It was also well known that he was a hopeless romantic; he knew just how to swoon all the PYTS (pretty young thang). However women came in and out of his life so fast... All of them can't even be recorded, but its not like the girls cared about that. Most only cared about his status and how popular they would be with him.

August 13, 1944, Mr. Francis Monte got himself in a hefty situation. One that would cause something he never would have dreamed of.

He got a little southern belle pregnant and they both claimed they were in love. Her name was Mary-Ann Carson.

What's so bad about that?

This girl happened to be not only white, but Francis' father's business enemy. In the 40's, and years after that, such things were frowned upon. Not only did Francis mess up his father's reputation (and his), his situation became the perfect spark to ignite a feud between the two families.

The Monte's and Carson's have been fighting ever since.

Now back to Ray and Harp...

Next week marked their 18th birthday. A time where most teens celebrate and go wild, like Harp has been planning to do, but not Ray. He's secretly loathing the inevitable.

Only a few days ago was he told of the "purpose of his birth" from his parents. It practically crushed him into a million pieces. How could he be expected to kill the one he loves? Better yet, how does he even tell her?

Ray Ray was only driving himself mad by spending more time with Harper. His parents, who are barely home and know nothing of how strong his feelings are for Harper, told him to detach himself. But he just couldn't bring himself to leave her. He felt like a moon gravitating around a planet. Harper's smile could bring him so much comfort... Yet so much pain.

How could love be so conflicted?

Ray Ray's POV:

"I beez in the trap, beez, beez in the trap..."

I was jamming to Nicki Minaj's Beez in the Trap, attempting to lighten my mood as I drove into the prestigious neighborhood. It was successful until I pulled into the circular driveway of the Carson's gated mansion.

I cut off the engine and sat there for a second, playing with the keys while looking out the window mindlessly. What I was told by my parents has been weighing down on my mind... I can barely sleep at night, I can't eat-no that's a lie, I'm a pig, but I'm still under a great amount of stress.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 10, 2013 ⏰

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