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Calum's pov

I sit in front of the TV watching the AMA's.
Then a familiar tune to the song that is repeatedly played on the radio starts playing
and the most beautiful girl comes on stage with a accent similar to mine.
"Helloooo AMA's Im Ariel Mitchell"
She starts singing and her voice entrances me. When she stops singing and gets off stage I return to realtiy where my mum is yelling for me to pick up after myself.
I nod and grab my laptop
open google and type in 'Ariel Mitchell'
up comes that gorgeous girl that i just saw on the tv.
I quickly learn that she is 18, a only child and is from Perth.
I watch her interviews and realize how funny and awkward she is.
In under a hour
i have fallen in love with this girl that I will never have a chance with.

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