waking up with a hangover

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Harry wakes up with a massive hangover and stays in the clothes he had on last night at the party a realized he at headquarters and Ron is asleep in the bed next to him he walks out of the room and trys to sneak down stairs but runs into Ginny and Hermione on the stairs

Their eyes go wide with how he looks with tattoos and a cigarette in his mouth and how much he smells like whiskey

Morning Harry says Hermione how do you feel she asked

I'm fine mione he said and looks at Ginny and check her out she's so good looking and he would love to be her boyfriend

Hey Harry Ginny says my eyes are up here not down my body she told him strenly

He laughs while Hermione says the grown ups are in the kitchen wanting to have a word with him and Dumbledore was here also

Harry sighs and rolls his eyes he had alot of respect for Dumbledore but he is not in the mood for a talking but goes to the kitchen anyway bc people are graurding the door so he can't leave

Bloody hell this is so stupid he yells at the people who are trying to protect him you can't save me from him he will get me in the end and cusses till he walks to the kitchen but is stopped when he sees everyone in the kitchen looking at him for his words he was saying

Holy shit he says and sits down as Mrs Weasley gives him a potion for his hangover

Harry James Potter said Sirius there are woman present watch your mouth

Harry rolls his eyes and drinks the potion and feels better

So Harry said Dumbledore we all want to talk about what you did last night and yesterday I must say I do like the lion tattoo on your hand very nice and well done Dumbledore says with a sprakle in his eye

Harry laughs and says thanks sir if you like that you'll love the lion on my back and with that he lifts his shirt and turns around to show the room his back

Holy hell says lupin and Mrs Weasley Sirius has to hold back a laugh because he doesn't want Harry to think any of this is funny because it not only the reaction from moony and Molly is funny

Harry sits down and looks at Sirius and smiles a cheeky smile

Well Harry says Mrs Weasley do have something to eat you are skin and bones she puts a plate of eggs bacon and toast sausage and fried potatoes in front of him he digs in and after that he lights a cigarette

Sirius had enough of seeing a cigarette in his godson's mouth leans forward and hits it out of Harry mouth and takes the pack away from him

Harry sits the for a second and said you know Sirius I bet you did alot of what I'm doing now when you was my age give me back my cigarettes and I won't do anything to make this situation bad as it is

Sirius walked around the table and gets in Harry face and says

Do something Harry he said I dare you I know you feel alone right bit that does not stop me from grounding you for the rest of summer vacation

Harry looks at Sirius before he throws his head back and head butt him in the face and breaks Sirius nose

His godfather grabs his nose and fall back Harry had blood running down his face also

Everyone jumps up to help but Harry pushed his way out of the kitchen and pushed past the front door and leaves again

Away from headquarters while Mrs Weasley is in tears try to get her son's best friend to come back

Sirius pov

Sirius doesn't know what hit him at first then he realized that his Godson head-butted him and left

Sirius is not mad at Harry hes mad at Harry's aunt uncle and cousin for not teaching him to be good hes mad that he wasn't there to help Harry with his problem

Sirius says Dumbledore he kneels down at the man on the floor with blood running his face and asked to fix his nose

Dumbledore fixed his nose and help Sirius to his feet Sirius starts to cry at how he didn't have anything to do with Harry till he was thirteen years old

Sirius it's not your fault it not Harry fault neither he's a teenager who has alot on his mind says Dumbledore

With all the noise brought the other kids down to the kitchen and see blood everywhere some from Sirius and some from Harry Potter himself

Sirius stands and starts to wave the mess away with his wand and leaves the room and goes to the one room he can look at pictures of his friends who are no longer with him

A baby picture of Harry Potter when was born set the tears on full stream how would he save his prongslet for this phase he is going though

Hey Potter people hope you are liking my book so far I'm try to put how I would react to people trying to help me with that kind of thing so if you like keep reading if you don't please leave sorry but this is just fanfiction please keep in mind that all negative comments will be deleted if rude bye

Samantha vest

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