Chapter 1: 4 Months Later

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Dance/s that inspired this chapter (see video/s above):
• Dance Force Tour 2018, Piece By Piece
- Soundtrack: Piece By Piece (Kelly Clarkson)
- Choreographer: Nicole Wells
- Filmed by: Event HD
- Producer: Dance Force

Disclaimers for this chapter:
- Language
- Slight mentions of drugs and alcohol
- Mentions and depictions of sex

When you see this: ♥︎♥︎♥︎ it means the following text will contain sexual scenes, so upon seeing this sign, just scroll down to where you see it again to skip the smut if you want to stay innocent :)


Water soaked the bottoms of my jeans as I sped through a puddle on the sidewalk, but did nothing to slow my pace as I ran down the street.

I checked the time on my phone; 20:37 - crap.

The show had started at half eight - I was already ten minutes late.
Luckily the first performance wasn't by the company he's in - Mia Sierra Dancers, I think it's called - and I had a few minutes before his started.

Only one block away now...
Run faster Katsuki, dammit...

I'd been fucking around with this online dance class for a while now, and had lost track of time today.
Four months sober and you'd think I would've picked up some time management skills by now...

Slowing down when I saw an opening between two houses, I sprinted through the alleyway without much thought.
As I came out on the other side, there stood the theatre, bright lights flashing in the darkening sky, the thump of a kick drum clearly audible from the music being played inside.

I approached the building hurriedly, feeling slightly disheveled next to this new, shining structure - the dance showcase was the opening performance for this theatre, since it had been newly built.

So much for making an appearance... I thought as I slipped through the revolving lobby doors and into the modern, dressed up reception.
My hair was still wet after a frantic shower I'd tried to squeeze in, and my undercut was slightly uneven since I'd shaved the grown out parts myself.
The vans I wore and the bottoms of my black jeans were muddy and damp, and my button-down needed ironing.

Fuck it... After quickly exchanging my ticket with the usher, I made my way into the dark auditorium.

The music had already begun for the next performance of the night - "Piece By Piece" by Kelly Clarkson. Which meant this was his performance.
I was lucky that, from what I knew of the song (I say that as if I hadn't listened to it on repeat after he'd texted me the details of his performance) it was only the beginning.

As soon as I'd reached my seat at the front, my eyes were fixated on the stage - however it was currently occupied by some guy with a buzz cut and a girl with neon green hair. I vaguely recognized them from his Instagram posts, but right now I couldn't care less about what they were doing - where was he?

As the song continued, and my on-edge brain eventually calmed, a figure appeared in the shadows of the stage, moving in sync with the other dancers.

The figure moved forward, into the light and...there he was.

Buzz Cut moved to the side as Eijiro Kirishima, fucking gorgeous with his hair tied back and wearing a tank top, took centre stage with the girl, expertly moving and twisting to the song, his face filled with intense emotion as the music swelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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