Chapter 18

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It was the sudden nature of Fang's distress that startled Nasuada. The dragon thrashed and keened and tore up trees with her claws as her mind screamed out her pain, terror, and distress.

"Vhenan! My heart! Fallyn-partner-of-mind-and-soul!"

Nasuada had tried in vain to call out to the dragon, and her own heart squeezed in fear.

"Has she died?" the thought was pushed from her mind as soon as it came, but there was little she could do.

If Fang did not calm, then it was inevitable that they would be discovered, and trouble would come their way.

So focused was Nasuada on Fang, she failed to notice the arrival of others. Not until she saw two elves chanting with hands outstretched. It took little time for Fang's body to grow limp as the dragon collapsed into a fitful sleep.

Nasuada turned to examine the newcomers. They were not what she expected, for "friends" coming from the land of Fallyn's birth. They resembled the elves of Alagaesia, and their dragons were almost as big as Fang. One was snowy white, with silver eyes, and a deep chest. It was thick in build, leading Nasuada to assume that one was male.

The other had a build more like Fang, leading to the assumption of being female. She had white-blue scales, giving the appearance of polished silver. Her eyes, a deep blue.

As for the elves, one was female, her snowy hair and grey eyes looking upon the black dragon with mixed pity and concern. The other, a male.

His pale gold hair and rich golden eyes left Nasuada breathless, as something about him warned of great age and even greater power.

"You must be Fang's "friends" that we've been waiting for," she said cautiously.

"Where is our sister, Fallyn? Why does Fang mourn and keen, and Fallyn is not by her side?" the woman asked, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"That... is a long story..."

"Then before you tell it, you should tell us who you are and what part you play in this story," the man said calmly.

"I am Nasuada, Daughter of Ajihad, leader of the Varden," she said, then remembered the elven greeting and did so.

They responded in kind, before giving their own names, though they seemed surprised to be greeted the way they were.

"I am Shehar, Rider of Suledin," the woman said, motioning towards the snowy white dragon. "Forgive me, I have been away from my people for so long, their customs are foreign to me now."

The white dragon snaked his head around so that one large silver eye was fixed on her.

"Greetings, Nasuada, Daughter of Ajihad," his mental voice was melodic and smooth, not at all the same gruff tones of Glaedr. "I am Suledin, and Shehar is my Rider."

The other bowed low, a graceful potion that didn't seem to shift his hair overly much - in fact, Nasuada thought it rather looked like he had a golden halo about his head.

"I am Alrahd, Rider of Revas," he said.

The silver dragon, hummed but did not deign to touch Nasuada's mind.

"Fallyn was cryptic in her words when discussing an ally from across the sea," Nasuada said. "She called this ally 'the old god of unity, chains, and slaves.'"

She noticed Alrahd's lips pursed in displeasure, his golden eyes flashed dangerously, though Shehar smiled with mild amusement.

"Not a thing that should be spread too far beyond us," Shehar said. "But yes, within Alrahd, the old god slumbers."

Nasuada nodded then told them of the night they were attacked, of when Fallyn ordered Fang to take Nasuada to safety and meet the "friends" coming from Thedas. How Fallyn was taken prisoner by Galbatorix's pet Dragon Rider, Murtagh.

The dragons rumbled with fury, while their riders appeared equally furious.

"We would go straight there, but we were caught in a storm along the way," Alrahd said, glancing at the mighty dragons. "We would rest for a day before continuing our journey, and Revas and Suledin need to hunt."

"We should also determine from Fang if she is in any condition to continue," Shehar brushed fingers against the dragon's dark hide.

She then glanced at Nasuada, then darted over to Suledin before bringing with her some clothing.

"You may wish to be better dressed if we are to return you to your people," she said.

Alrahd sat by Fang's head, his eyes closed and unmoving.

"Alrahd will try to communicate with Fang, so that when she wakes she won't thrash about again," Shehar said by way of explanation as she assisted Nasuada with the clothing. She sang to the clothes so that the would better fit the different shape of Nasuada's body.

"I... I can't even pray that Fallyn is unharmed," Nasuada whispered. "Seeing Fang react like that... there's no way she's alright."

"All the more reason to be careful, but quick," Shehar said calmly. "The griffon that dives too soon, will miss its chance and hurt only itself."

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