Chapter 1

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 18 years... He had survived a full 18 years in this world. He remembered what it was like... what his family was like. He lost so much just like everyone else, but he moved forward... he had to. He didn't have anyone to help him move forward so he needed to do it himself. But he's almost there, just one last obstacle. He avoided all the conflicts, barely survived poverty and found a new family where he had lost his last one. But... there was one last thing. The test. He just needed to fail the test.

The past 8 years had been tough. He lost everything. Family, friends, his home. He had lost so much, and he could not pass this test. Or he'd lose everything all over again. He remembered when they first discovered a new way to fight them. People unlocking the inner strength of their souls, fighting on an even field. Of course only a year after it was mandated that anyone who could... had to. People disagreed at first but... after the attacks increased... no one could say no... Everyone agreed and kept their contempt silent... silently hoping they too... would fail the test.

His letter came last week. About two months after he came of age. For a little bit he had hoped they had just forgotten about him. Maybe he was accidentally recorded as dead again. It was just delays and a typo... a three in a one's place... he wished there were more typos... but he was only granted the one...

He had heard about other's who had taken the test... 100 questions... and you don't even get to pick your answer... your blood had determined it many years ago... Even just one question right and you're drafted... Many unlocked useless abilities and were sent home. His friend had passed one question and always know's the exact date and time... it was useless to the military but now she doesn't have to wear a watch. Another one could tell what someone had eaten for dinner the previous night... but couldn't detect hidden chemicals like toxins or drugs... that was his second silent wish... something so utterly useless... that no one would ever need... maybe if he did pass he'd be able to tell what day of the week a cat was born? Or could slightly raise his body temperature by .01 degree at will. He kept his silent prayer... but he knew there would be no answer. There would never be an answer ever again.

The waiting room terrified him. Its pristine white walls. Clean enough to eat off of and floors that you could see your own reflection in. It was cleaner than any room would ever need to be. He felt the gaze of the remote cameras staring at him. The steady beating of it's LED to remind him... almost saying "we're watching you". He sat alone in the room, just hoping for the call to come faster. He wanted it to be over already. He just wanted to go back to school tomorrow... he wanted to triumphantly walk in and say he failed with rotten hues. He wanted nothing more to be ordinary. To be away from the fight. To avoid the angels and devils that had taken everything he loved. He'd seen video of others... some of them he used to know... they all swear their revenge, wanting to be on the front lines so they can tear the enemy limb from limb. They only ever show the strong... the make sure to hide the weak who follow them into battle, only to be decimated and vaporized like a chemical about to be huffed. He's read about the horrors. He's read about how even the greatest can get beaten down, and destroyed. Completely utterly and mercil-

"Jager Layes?" A man in glasses with the same clean white as the walls entered. He held an unnecessary clipboard. He was the only one in the room so why did he even need a list of names? Jager stood up and spoke, fear riding his voice like cavalry into battle

"Y... yes... that's me..." The man extended a hand, it was meant to be a calming gesture, but all Jager could think of it was a pact to be formed in blood and pain. He avoided eye contact trying to keep from falling into a trap.

"I'm Doctor Keely Hawkins... I'll be performing your tests today and if necessary, will also oversee your enlightenment..." He lowered his hand, seeing how his subject's anxiety was overwhelming, even for a small task. He understood it and tried to calm him

"I know what you're probably thinking... most people are the same way. There's a pretty good chance in your favor that you'll fail all the tests an-"

"What are the chances... can I get a number..?" Jager couldn't help but interject, the chemicals running through his brain were already causing panic to dictate his actions. "And what if I do pass? Then what? I'll die on-"

"If you do pass, which there's about an 83% chance you won't, then you'll be enlighted... but there's a decent chance you'll get something useless..." Hawkins could already see him about to interject but spoke before a work could be spoken. "AND! If you don't get something useless... I'm sure you'll be fine... you're the panicky type. You'll be trained and as long as you stay sharp... you'll survive"

"Alright... thank you... can we just get this over with now...?" Hawkins nodded and gestured towards the door he entered from. Jager let out a heavy sigh and took a deep breath and slowly got onto his feet. He followed the doctor's directions and went into another white painted room.

It was much smaller than expected and oddly calming. It was similar to a normal doctor's office with the mere addition of the tools required to complete the test. Jager was guided to take a seat on the chair, he took deep breathes as Hawkins sorted through the tools at his disposal. He made sure to inspect everything carefully, knowing that even a hint of someone else's blood or DNA could tarnish the results. He checked the machines, making sure each one was as finely tuned as to when he had his own test done.

After a minute of final tests, Hawkins turned back to Jager and spoke once more. "Everything is ready. It's time to conduct the test. Roll up your sleeve so I can take blood". Jager complied, internally he wanted to stop but it was too late to run now... He closed his eyes and he heard one last line, one he'd heard so many times before but held the weight of the world behind it.

"You're going to feel a light prick..." Jager nodded to confirm he was still listening, trying to pretend for just a moment this was just an ordinary blood test... he never did know his blood type. While he continued to delve deeper into his self-deception, he felt the foreshadowed prick. He continued to lie for just a moment longer.

"I've finished taking blood now... you can open your eyes..." Hawkins tried to reassure his patient as he started to test the blood, trying to calm him as each test was done... the attached printer going a line at a time...

Jager opened his eyes and saw the results... only eyeing the last column, relaxed with each 'N' that printed, he counted in his head, not wanting to stray from the stream of blissful failure... fifteen, sixteen, seventeen... thirty-one, thirty-two... sixty-seven, sixty-eight... eighty-one... he counted down the last 10 digits, his fingers crossed... the last digits printed in seconds, but it felt like forever. The final notes of his new life...ninety-seven... ninety-eight... ninety-nine... One hu-...

The final note. In a symphony of glee... it was all ruined by one sour note. 100 tests... all he needed to pass was one... all he wanted in his blood was failure... why did it have to be greatness...

Hawkins spoke up before the panic could set in. "Alright... you passed the hundredth test... don't worry too much though... this one often gives a false positive..." A wave of half-relief flood through Jager as he had one more chance to fail. Just one more failure was all he needed. "Now we usually don't bother testing again for it since usually, people pass alongside another one... this may actually be a first... I'm afraid you'll need to stay a bit longer... I have some calls I need to make."

Hawkins exited the room with the results, leaving Jager with his thoughts and anxiety. "Run..." they said, "you'll pass this last test... he said it's a first so you'll probably pass". Every bone, every muscle, each atom in his body was telling him to run. He was paralyzed with fear. He could feel his consciousness fade as anxiety ran freely through his mind. Each passing second causing more and more fear to rise through him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting so long" Hawkins returned after what felt like a mere moment.

"I'm sorry... I lost track of time... how long was I waiting exactly...?" Jager could feel his sense's betraying him... it must've been long... but was it a matter of minutes or hours...?

"An hour and a half... the equipment needed is on its way... it should be here in another hour..." Hawkins tried to give Jager a smile but found it difficult "I can tell you're scared... I was too... you'll probably get lucky and fail the last test..." He was a good liar, Jager believed the meaningless hope he was given... But Hawkins knew the truth. He'd never see anyone pass that last test... not even he did... they were going to test him again just to be sure... but the injection was already prepared and on its way... by the end of the day, the seed would be planted. And a new god would be born.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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